[Adminsces] Missió: Obtenir el cod i font del CES per a poder millorar-ho
-> Gorka <-
aldrebes a gmail.com
dll nov 14 19:12:43 CET 2011
Mi propuesta para comenzar sería poner en marcha dos herramientas: una
lista de correo de comunicación y otra para el repositorio del código
Hay bastante gente interesada en un CES 2.0 y creo que no debemos perder
más tiempo en promover dicho proceso.
Yo se lo comentaría a Tim, poniendo en marcha ambas herramientas y
haciendo difusión entre la gente interesada.
Creo que no sería dificil juntar un buen grupo de
programadores/diseñadores interesados en este desarrollo.
¿Como lo veis?
El 14/11/11 18:57, Esteve Badia escribió:
> Bona tarda,
> Aquí la resposta d'en Tim Jenkin a les preguntes que li vaig fer. Quin
> penseu que pot ser el nostre paper a partir d'això?
> Esteve
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *CES Administrator* <admin a ces.org.za <mailto:admin a ces.org.za>>
> Date: 2011/11/14
> Subject: Re: CES development
> To: A bona hora - Ecoxarxa del Bages <horabages a gmail.com
> <mailto:horabages a gmail.com>>
> Hi Esteve
> I apologise for taking so long to reply. I get so much email that
> sometimes it goes off the page and then I see it no more.
> The CES software is available to anyone who wants it, but as it is old
> classic ASP code, no one is really interested in it. Also, it was
> designed to work on our own servers only so it was never packaged in a
> way that is useful to others.
> For many years we have been trying to produce a PHP/MySQL version of
> it but it never gets very far because the real development is always
> on the live code. The PHP code never keeps up and we have to keep
> starting again as things change.
> I programmed the CES site more or less on my own and have now reached
> the limit of what I can do. It is so big and complex now that I would
> never be able to tackle a new version on my own. The current version
> is the result of 10 years' work, so to create a new version in a new
> format with new technologies would take years.
> I am desperate to get together a team of programmers who could design
> and create a new version that does what the current software does and
> more. The current site is looking very old now and needs a complete
> redesign. The new software has to be compatible with the old so that
> the 350 existing groups can migrate to it without too much disruption.
> We also need to maintain the network, which is what makes CES special.
> If you can get together a team of people we could work together on the
> new software that would be fantastic. There are many others who are
> interested in helping, but they need something to work with. So far
> all I have for you is the MySQL database we developed for the PHP
> version, but the PHP code so far is a mess and I wouldn't like to make
> it available. It was hand produced and I think these days one has to
> use some kind of PHP framework. I am not particularly familiar with
> any of them. Everyone has their favourite framework: Symfony,
> Codeigniter, CakePHP, Drupal...
> The hardware infrastructure is not so crucial as hosting these days is
> very cheap and easy. However it has always been our dream to have CES
> servers all around the world, one in each country and all linked
> together through the network. We have started to implement this by
> setting up a separate server in Australia. Their server and ours will
> talk to each other through a third bridging server we call "Clearing
> Central". It will allow people to trade with others all over the
> world, even when their CES exchanges are hosted on different servers.
> So let me know how you feel about all this. It would be great if we
> can really get going on the next version of CES, and get it out there
> so it is the most popular software in the 'new economy'.
> Regards
> Tim
> On 7 November 2011 01:05, A bona hora - Ecoxarxa del
> Bages <horabages a gmail.com <mailto:horabages a gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> I'm Esteve from Spain (exchange HORA). In September we talked
> about the development of the new php/mysql CES software.
> In our country we have several coordinated exchange communities
> (those called "Ecoxarxa" and the "COOP" one). We really appreciate
> your work and it is being very useful for us. We are concerned
> about this software since it is crucial for us so we've a pair of
> questions:
> - Have you planned to liberate the source code of the CES
> software? Several of us are software developers interested in
> improve the tool and we could do it in a collaborative way like
> other open-source software projects. Furthermore we
> found philosophically important that the trading software we use
> is open source.
> - Which is the status of the new php CES development? Personally
> I'm interested in helping at this point. I'm a professional
> software developer with a bit of time and a lots of wants to
> participate in it. There are also other developers here in the
> Spanish exchanges that could also help at this point.
> In addition to the programming labor, we could also help with
> hardware infrastructure. We could have a server with the CES
> software installed maintaining our geographically close exchanges.
> We are collaborating with a group of system administrators having
> several servers only for social causes. It is feasible to use part
> of this infrastructure. Well, these are only ideas that need to be
> studied.
> Please let us know which are your plans for the future of CES
> software, a key piece in building human-scale and fair economies.
> Thank you and best regards,
> Esteve
> El 7 de novembre de 2011 1:22, al <al a blogmail.cc> ha escrit:
> +1
> Gràcies, Esteve.
> Al 07/11/11 00:37, En/na A bona hora - Ecoxarxa del Bages ha escrit:
> Hola!
> He enviat un mail al Tim Jenkin del CES demanant-li per
> l'alliberament
> del codi del CES i pels plans del nou CES en PHP. Quan tingui
> noticies
> seves us ho faré saber.
> Per altra banda, penso que el CES -tot i que és una eina
> immensament
> útil i suficient fins al moment- té molts aspectes de fons molt
> millorables. Per exemple la interfície d'usuari (poc intuitiva i
> agradable), en tipus de límits d'endeutament (només límit fix), no
> acceptació de cobraments, relació entre xarxes (més de dues
> opcions),
> les llistes d'ofertes i demandes també podrien ser millors,
> connectivitat amb altres servidors (serveis web), ratio de
> conversió
> entre les diferents monedes i altres.
> M'atreveixo a pronosticar que és tècnicament més factible
> fer-ne un de
> nou (òbviament utilitzant l'experiència del CES) pensant en un
> model
> modular i col·laboratiu de desenvolupament que no arreglar
> l'actual (més
> enllà de millorar cosetes petites). Sobretot ho dic tenint en
> compte que
> la mateixa gent del CES es decanten per aquesta opció: volen
> fer-ne un
> de nou amb PHP en lloc de ASP més que millorar l'existent.
> Tampoc estem
> parlant d'enviar ningú a la lluna :-).
> Penso que la millor opció per nosaltres seria participar
> activament en
> el desenvolupament d'aquest nou CES junt amb ells. Jo m'hi
> vaig oferir
> -i van acceptar, però al final es va aturar- i he aprofitat
> aquesta
> ocasió per reiterar-li la oferta. L'únic que no tinc segur és
> si això
> tira realment endavant i si tenen ganes de tibar del carro o
> només són
> bones intencions.
> Finalment dir que en Gorka possiblement obri un grup a la
> xarxa social
> per discutir aquests assumptes de forma més pública, així que
> ens llegim
> pel mail o per l'elgg.
> Una abraçada,
> Esteve
> El 6 de novembre de 2011 20:03, vadó <vado a tresones.com
> <mailto:vado a tresones.com>
> <mailto:vado a tresones.com <mailto:vado a tresones.com>>> ha escrit:
> hola! penso el mateix que la Blackhold. Crec que la
> tendencia de tots
> els sistemes de moneda complementaria sera unir-se - el ces
> ja ho està
> fent, i que la prioritat es que la gent hi confiï i
> s'extengui a la
> societat, pero no estaria malament tenir un pla de reserva.
> El 06/11/2011 19:59, Blackhold escribió:
> > El 6 de novembre de 2011 19:48, Gemma Solanas
> > <gemma.solanas.i a hotmail.com
> <mailto:gemma.solanas.i a hotmail.com>
> <mailto:gemma.solanas.i a hotmail.com
> <mailto:gemma.solanas.i a hotmail.com>>> ha escrit:
> >> Hola,
> >> l'altre dia vaig estar parlant amb un informàtic que em
> va dir que
> >> també estava interessat en crear una mena de CES nou. A
> part, a
> Tarragona
> >> també van crear el progrma NAPIA per fer intercanvis
> però no se
> com va
> >> acabar la història ni si estava molt desenvolupat o no.
> > l'avantatge del CES és que és una eina que ja porta temps
> funcionant i
> > a nivell internacional, simplement s'ha d'aconseguir que
> alliberin el
> > codi...
> >
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