[Adminsces] Missió: Obtenir el cod i font del CES per a poder millorar-ho

al al a blogmail.cc
dll nov 14 19:19:19 CET 2011

Bé, ho acabo de llegir. Està bé tot lo que diu, es pot treballar tot, 
però moltes persones necessitem saber que té intencions _reals_ de fer 
programari lliure. A part de tota la feina que es pugui fer, no et porta 
més de 10 minuts de rellotge fer un tar.gz (o zip o el que vulgui) de 
tots els arxius asp, ficar una nota de copyright Tim Jenkins segons 
alguna llicència lliure com la GPL per a l'arxiu junt amb una còpia de 
la llicència i que ho pengi a qualsevol lloc o que ens ho envii per 
mail. 10 minuts i fas programari lliure i jo puc convidar a la meva 
comunitat a obrir-se comptes del CES.

Que l'arxiu no funcionarà com a programa? D'acord, però veurem la 
voluntat d'aquest home. La veritat que m'ha molestat que digui "The CES 
software is available to anyone who wants it, but as it is old classic 
ASP code, no one is really interested in it." Perquè és mentida i aquí 
està la prova pública:


Que s'excusi, que digui que no l'ha vist i que faci això. D'altra manera 
que digui que no té cap intenció d'alliberar el software.

He estat a punt de respondre-li jo, però és que li hagués respost 
malament i no vull.

Al 14/11/11 18:57, En/na Esteve Badia ha escrit:
> Bona tarda,
> Aquí la resposta d'en Tim Jenkin a les preguntes que li vaig fer. Quin
> penseu que pot ser el nostre paper a partir d'això?
> Esteve
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *CES Administrator* <admin a ces.org.za <mailto:admin a ces.org.za>>
> Date: 2011/11/14
> Subject: Re: CES development
> To: A bona hora - Ecoxarxa del Bages <horabages a gmail.com
> <mailto:horabages a gmail.com>>
> Hi Esteve
> I apologise for taking so long to reply. I get so much email that
> sometimes it goes off the page and then I see it no more.
> The CES software is available to anyone who wants it, but as it is old
> classic ASP code, no one is really interested in it. Also, it was
> designed to work on our own servers only so it was never packaged in a
> way that is useful to others.
> For many years we have been trying to produce a PHP/MySQL version of it
> but it never gets very far because the real development is always on the
> live code. The PHP code never keeps up and we have to keep starting
> again as things change.
> I programmed the CES site more or less on my own and have now reached
> the limit of what I can do. It is so big and complex now that I would
> never be able to tackle a new version on my own. The current version is
> the result of 10 years' work, so to create a new version in a new format
> with new technologies would take years.
> I am desperate to get together a team of programmers who could design
> and create a new version that does what the current software does and
> more. The current site is looking very old now and needs a complete
> redesign. The new software has to be compatible with the old so that the
> 350 existing groups can migrate to it without too much disruption. We
> also need to maintain the network, which is what makes CES special.
> If you can get together a team of people we could work together on the
> new software that would be fantastic. There are many others who are
> interested in helping, but they need something to work with. So far all
> I have for you is the MySQL database we developed for the PHP version,
> but the PHP code so far is a mess and I wouldn't like to make it
> available. It was hand produced and I think these days one has to use
> some kind of PHP framework. I am not particularly familiar with any of
> them. Everyone has their favourite framework: Symfony, Codeigniter,
> CakePHP, Drupal...
> The hardware infrastructure is not so crucial as hosting these days is
> very cheap and easy. However it has always been our dream to have CES
> servers all around the world, one in each country and all linked
> together through the network. We have started to implement this by
> setting up a separate server in Australia. Their server and ours will
> talk to each other through a third bridging server we call "Clearing
> Central". It will allow people to trade with others all over the world,
> even when their CES exchanges are hosted on different servers.
> So let me know how you feel about all this. It would be great if we can
> really get going on the next version of CES, and get it out there so it
> is the most popular software in the 'new economy'.
> Regards
> Tim
> On 7 November 2011 01:05, A bona hora - Ecoxarxa del Bages
> <horabages a gmail.com <mailto:horabages a gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Tim,
>     I'm Esteve from Spain (exchange HORA). In September we talked about
>     the development of the new php/mysql CES software.
>     In our country we have several coordinated exchange communities
>     (those called "Ecoxarxa" and the "COOP" one). We really appreciate
>     your work and it is being very useful for us. We are concerned about
>     this software since it is crucial for us so we've a pair of questions:
>     - Have you planned to liberate the source code of the CES software?
>     Several of us are software developers interested in improve the tool
>     and we could do it in a collaborative way like other open-source
>     software projects. Furthermore we found philosophically important
>     that the trading software we use is open source.
>     - Which is the status of the new php CES development? Personally I'm
>     interested in helping at this point. I'm a professional software
>     developer with a bit of time and a lots of wants to participate in
>     it. There are also other developers here in the Spanish exchanges
>     that could also help at this point.
>     In addition to the programming labor, we could also help with
>     hardware infrastructure. We could have a server with the CES
>     software installed maintaining our geographically close exchanges.
>     We are collaborating with a group of system administrators having
>     several servers only for social causes. It is feasible to use part
>     of this infrastructure. Well, these are only ideas that need to be
>     studied.
>     Please let us know which are your plans for the future of CES
>     software, a key piece in building human-scale and fair economies.
>     Thank you and best regards,
>     Esteve
> El 7 de novembre de 2011 1:22, al <al a blogmail.cc> ha escrit:
>     +1
>     Gràcies, Esteve.
>     Al 07/11/11 00:37, En/na A bona hora - Ecoxarxa del Bages ha escrit:
>         Hola!
>         He enviat un mail al Tim Jenkin del CES demanant-li per
>         l'alliberament
>         del codi del CES i pels plans del nou CES en PHP. Quan tingui
>         noticies
>         seves us ho faré saber.
>         Per altra banda, penso que el CES -tot i que és una eina immensament
>         útil i suficient fins al moment- té molts aspectes de fons molt
>         millorables. Per exemple la interfície d'usuari (poc intuitiva i
>         agradable), en tipus de límits d'endeutament (només límit fix), no
>         acceptació de cobraments, relació entre xarxes (més de dues
>         opcions),
>         les llistes d'ofertes i demandes també podrien ser millors,
>         connectivitat amb altres servidors (serveis web), ratio de conversió
>         entre les diferents monedes i altres.
>         M'atreveixo a pronosticar que és tècnicament més factible fer-ne
>         un de
>         nou (òbviament utilitzant l'experiència del CES) pensant en un model
>         modular i col·laboratiu de desenvolupament que no arreglar
>         l'actual (més
>         enllà de millorar cosetes petites). Sobretot ho dic tenint en
>         compte que
>         la mateixa gent del CES es decanten per aquesta opció: volen
>         fer-ne un
>         de nou amb PHP en lloc de ASP més que millorar l'existent.
>         Tampoc estem
>         parlant d'enviar ningú a la lluna :-).
>         Penso que la millor opció per nosaltres seria participar
>         activament en
>         el desenvolupament d'aquest nou CES junt amb ells. Jo m'hi vaig
>         oferir
>         -i van acceptar, però al final es va aturar- i he aprofitat aquesta
>         ocasió per reiterar-li la oferta. L'únic que no tinc segur és si
>         això
>         tira realment endavant i si tenen ganes de tibar del carro o
>         només són
>         bones intencions.
>         Finalment dir que en Gorka possiblement obri un grup a la xarxa
>         social
>         per discutir aquests assumptes de forma més pública, així que
>         ens llegim
>         pel mail o per l'elgg.
>         Una abraçada,
>         Esteve
>         El 6 de novembre de 2011 20:03, vadó <vado a tresones.com
>         <mailto:vado a tresones.com>
>         <mailto:vado a tresones.com <mailto:vado a tresones.com>>> ha escrit:
>             hola!  penso el mateix que la Blackhold. Crec que la
>         tendencia de tots
>             els sistemes de moneda complementaria sera unir-se - el ces
>         ja ho està
>             fent, i que la prioritat es que la gent hi confiï i
>         s'extengui a la
>             societat, pero no estaria malament tenir un pla de reserva.
>             El 06/11/2011 19:59, Blackhold escribió:
>          > El 6 de novembre de 2011 19:48, Gemma Solanas
>          > <gemma.solanas.i a hotmail.com <mailto:gemma.solanas.i a hotmail.com>
>         <mailto:gemma.solanas.i a __hotmail.com
>         <mailto:gemma.solanas.i a hotmail.com>>> ha escrit:
>          >> Hola,
>          >> l'altre dia vaig estar parlant amb un informàtic que em va
>         dir que
>          >> també estava interessat en crear una mena de CES nou. A part, a
>             Tarragona
>          >> també van crear el progrma NAPIA per fer intercanvis però no se
>             com va
>          >> acabar la història ni si estava molt desenvolupat o no.
>          > l'avantatge del CES és que és una eina que ja porta temps
>             funcionant i
>          > a nivell internacional, simplement s'ha d'aconseguir que
>         alliberin el
>          > codi...
>          >
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