[energiadecreixent] Irish Ship 2 Gaza SABOTAGED by Israeli agents: Protest & sit in today, at all Isreali embassies

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dij jun 30 03:06:57 CEST 2011


*** BREAKING NEWS *** Irish Ship 2 Gaza SABOTAGED by Israeli agents: 

Protest & sit in today, at all Isreali embassies - Thr 30 July 2011

(please spread word and take action)

Terrible news has reached us in the early hours of Thursday - the Irish  Ship To 
Gaza, MV Saoirse, has been SABOTAGED, presumably by agents of  Israel. The 
damage is extensive, and indeed, if it had gone undetected  apparently may have 
been lıfe-threatenıng if the ship had been at sea.

This  is an unacceptable act of aggression against an Irish vessel (which is  
sovereign Irish territory), against the Freedom Flotilla, and most  importantly 
against the people of Palestine which this flotilla was intending to reach in an 
act of humanitarian solidarity. 

Full  details of the extent of the sabotage, including photos and video of  the 
damage will be made available to the press later today. 

The  Irish Ship To Gaza have called an EMERGENCY DEMONSTRATION for tomorrow  in 
response to this outrageous act. We are calling on people to assemble  at 6pm at 
the Spire in O'Connell Street. Fro there we will march to the  Israeli Embassy 
and stage an overnight sit-in outside (so bring  sleeping bags etc). We intend 
to shut down the Israeli Embassy! 

We need this demo to be as loud as possible, so if you have drums, bodrans, 
whistles, whatever, please bring them along.

This  act of sabotage against a peaceful humanitarian civil society mission  
(which has been paid for by 1000s of ordinary Irish people) must be  protested 
in the strongest terms possible.


Irish Times: Irish ship will not sail to Gaza after 'sabotage'

Ohter ship: Gaza flotilla ship 'sabotaged by divers'
Activists say Swedish ship due to join attempt to break Israel's blockade of 
Gaza  has been damaged in Greek port.

Saoirse - freedom

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