[LaCrisi-paguinElsRics] October2011.org News: Celebrate the first month of Occupy Freedom Plaza!

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Lun Nov 7 20:11:43 CET 2011

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Dear Friend,

We have now passed our first month on Freedom Plaza!

   The first week of our second month is filled with great activities. Please
   join us!

   On _Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 Ben and Jerry’s is bringing ice cream_.  That
   night, _Andy Shallal of Bus Boys and Poets will serve dinner_ to _celebrate
   our first month on the Plaza_.  We’ll have discussions about the month and
   where we go from here.

   On _Wednesday_ we are having our own [3]“Occupied Super Committee Hearing
   for the 99%” to contrast the congressional super committee that is preparing
   a deficit-cutting report for the 1% at the expense of the 99%.   One week
   after the hearing we’ll issue our own report which will put the interests of
   the people before the corporatists and militarists.  _The “Occupied
   Hearing” begins at 11:00 AM_ – you are welcome to attend. The event will be
   live streamed on [4]www.OccupyWashingtonDC.org.
       3. http://october2011.org/blogs/kevin-zeese/occupywashingtondc-hold-occupied-super-committee-hearing-99
       4. http://www.occupywashingtondc.org

   _Thursday_ is _Environmental Protection Agency day_ – Marsha
   Coleman-Adebayo, an EPA whistle blower who wrote “[5]No Fear: A
   Whistleblower’s Triumph Over Corruption and Retaliation at the EPA ”, and
   John Grant, another EPA whistleblower, will be on Freedom Plaza.  They will
   speak at a _rally at noon_ and then we will march across the street to the
   EPA to protest. Ms. Coleman-Adebayo has a petition asking Obama and EPA
   administrator Lisa Jackson to reverse their position on the Clean Air
   Act. [6]Sign here.
       5. http://www.amazon.com/No-Fear-Whistleblowers-Corruption-Retaliation/dp/1556528183/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1319462074&sr=8-1
       6. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/marshacoleman-adebayo

   On _Friday_, Veterans' Day, stop by Freedom Plaza to speak with veterans who
   are occupying and for a donation you will receive a copy of _"The Bonus
   March"_ by Georgia Lowe.

   On _Sunday_, at _11:30 am_ we will have a forum on alternatives to
   commercial banking, specifically a discussion of _time banks and local
   currencies_.  Then at _2:00 pm_, _Rev. Grayland Hagler_ of Plymouth
   Congressional Church will visit us and his congregation will bring pie and
   coffee to Freedom Plaza.

   If you aren't in Washington, you can watch some of these events through the
   ustream channel on the website and you can _organize solidarity events_
   where you are. Please _share your news_ with us for our weekly, "The
   Occupied Washington Post," at Newspaper en october2011.org.

   We’re looking ahead to Winter.  We’d love your involvement.  Come join us!

   In peace and solidarity,
   [7]Occupy Washington, DC at Freedom Plaza
       7. http://october2011.org

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   [11]Stop the Machine! Create a new World! October2011.org
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   Andy Shallal
   Ann Wright
   Anthony Arnove
   Baldemar Velasquez
   Ben Manski
   Bhikkhu Bodhi
   Bill Moyer
   Bill Quigley
   Bob Fitrakis
   Brian Becker
   Carlos Perez
   Chris Hedges
   Coleen Rowley
   Cornel West
   Dave Rovics
   David Cobb
   David Himmelstein
   David Lindorff
   David Swanson
   Debra Sweet
   Dennis Trainor, Jr.
   Derrick Jensen
   Diane Wilson
   Diane Wittner
   Elaine Brower
   Ellen Barfield
   Ellen Davidson
   Glen Ford
   Harvey Wasserman
   Howie Hawkins
   Jack Balkwill
   Jane Hamsher
   Jeff Cohen
   Jodie Evans
   Joe Lombardo
   Joyce Scott
   Kevin Zeese
   Larisa Alexandrovna
   Larry Pinkney
   Lenni Brenner
   Lisa Simeone
   Margaret Flowers
   Maria Allwine
   Matt Power
   Matthew Rothschild
   Medea Benjamin
   Michael Prysner
   Mike Ferner
   Namoli Brennet
   Nicole Sandler
   Paul Glover
   Rabbi Michael Lerner
   Ray McGovern
   Rev. Graylan Hagler
   Richard Grossman
   Rob Kall
   Rosa Clemente
   Russell Mokhiber
   Scott Harris
   Scott Horton
   Shahid Buttar
   Sibel Edmonds
   Steffie Woolhandler
   Tarak Kauff
   Ted Rall
   The Yes Men
   Tim Carpenter
   Vicente Navarro
   Watermelon Slim
   Zach Choate

   [12]To see more names
   [13]facebook | [14]twitter | [15]forward to a friend
   _Copyright © *|2011|* *|October2011|*, All rights reserved._
       12. http://october2011.org/people
       13. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-the-Machine-Create-a-New-World/128235120588487
       14. http://twitter.com/StopTheMach2011
       15. http://us2.forward-to-friend.com/forward?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=36de765543&e=7ae3cd5ef5

   _Our mailing address is:_
   402 E. Lake Ave.
   Baltimore, MD 21212
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