[energiadecreixent] Cittaslow / Slow cities: Giorgio Oliveti @ IAAC, J12 19.30h

Gerard Rocher gerardrocher a gmail.com
dim gen 17 11:48:04 CET 2012

 Aquest home sembla interessant per Pyrenades-Pyrenmuseu!!!

My blog: www.gerardrocher.blogspot.com

2012/1/9 Fun Peace <fuspey a yahoo.co.uk>

>       Join us on Thursday, 12th of January for the lecture of *Pier
> Giorgio Oliveti *at *19.30h*. The MAA Open Lecture* *will take place at
> IAAC Auditorium.
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>               PIER GIORGIO OLIVETI is a journalist - a consultant for
> tourism.
>  Pier Giorgio Oliveti is a freelance journalist specializing in tourism
> and environmental fields, working in numerous magazines and newspapers from
> the field, is the author of tourist guides and publications gender. He
> works as a consultant for tourism planning and management of local
> development projects, tourism marketing, promotion projects, communication
> and image, European projects. Specialist areas: environment, mountains,
> transportation, green tourism, gastronomy, sustainable development, Slow
> Food - Slow cities”, social inclusion.
>  Pier Giorgio Olivetti is the Director of the International Association
> Cittaslow - network of cities of the easy living since 2004.
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>    *Copyright © 2012 Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia,
> All rights reserved.*
> Thank you for your interest in IAAC.
>   Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
> C/ Pujades 102
> Poble Nou
> Barcelona, Spain 08005
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> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> *From:* Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia <email a iaac.net>
> *To:* duncan <fuspey a yahoo.co.uk>
> *Sent:* Monday, 9 January 2012, 16:42
> *Subject:* Pier Giorgio Oliveti / IAAC - MAA Winter Lecture Series -
> Master in Advanced Architecture
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