[energiadecreixent] Changing the world in the Network Age

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dim gen 10 12:18:16 CET 2012

Changing the world in the Network Age

(Personal report from 1 of the Barcelona en Transició group, first posted here)
Wow, 2011, what a year!
But already it feels like 2012 is going to be MASSIVE!!!
Who would have thought how quick and how 
far things would move, it seems we already live in a totally different 
world from the one that was, this time 12 months ago, before everything 
started to get turned on its head. As a fella said:

“Did you ever wish you lived in one of those major moments in World history, well guess what, you are in one of those moments”

From the tragic and hopeless act of suicide in Tunisia, when Mohamed Bouazizi set himself alight, a spark flew. From Tunisia to Tahrir Square and all of North Africa we saw the dawn of the Arab Spring, from there across the 8 miles that splits Africa from Spain and we saw the 15M movement or the #SpanishRevolution kick off. There was huge hope that the DEMOCRACIA REAL YA movement would spark all over Europe, it didnt. But then things took the most unexpected jump, right into the the belly of the beast into the heart of the corrupt destructive unfair system that is destroying our world; all the bankers and cronies in Wall Street. From there the #OCCUPY movement was born, and with things more so in the English languge, an 
idea has spread like wildfire all around the squares and communities of 
many different peoples all over this precious little planet. The Network Age is truly kicking off. We are a connected global community, same dreams, same pains. For so long there was little or no hope. Some, the 
ecologists and activists that were earlier labeled the “anti-globalisation” movement, had told us all that the entire system was about to fail, due to infinite growth on a finite planet being impossible and that leading to PEAK EVERYTHING… No one listened. But then from 2008 and the start of the “economic crisis“ (pity in english we only see the negative side of that important word; crisis) things began to change. Oil prices going up (again the transitionistas had been telling us all about this) which sparked food prices going up 
and unemployment spreading everywhere, here in Spain the unemployment 
rate is up to 23%. Difficult times, strange times, but great times to 
witness. Where can it all go, what do people want, how are trying to 
bring about that change?

In the following, you get a few ideas from the city of Barcelona, and beyond…

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