[energiadecreixent] New projects in Barcelona: Aurea Social + HUB

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dic ago 22 23:49:18 CEST 2012

New projects in Barcelona: Aurea Social + HUB

2 things of great importance started up recently in Barcelona:

Aurea Social

Social classroom: open space – health – education – self organisation
The HUB Barcelona

HUB: We believe there is no shortage of good ideas to solve the issues of 
our time. But there is an acute lack of collaboration and support 
structures to help make them happen. The HUB was founded to address this need.
Aurea Social

Social classroom: open space – health – education – self organisation

Links: AureaSocial | Translated site to english | @AureaSocial (Aurea Social on Twitter) | facebook page | Video | Cooperativa Integral Catalana | Cooperativa Integral Catalana (vid channel) | La Vanguardia about CIC projects

>Open every day from 11h till 21h (11am-9pm)
>Carrer Sardenya 261-263 entre València i Diagonal, a Barcelona
><Metro> L2 L5 Sagrada Familia
>Buses 19,33,34,43,50,51
(click on images to view in full scale)

The metaproject of AureaSocial accompanies the creation and 
development of tools and resources that facilitate autonomy, empowerment (both personal and collective) and local self organisation. It’s a way 
to take control of our lives, enabling stable development of social 
projects organized from below.

We are people who believe that food, health, education, housing and political participation are basic fundamental rights that must be managed from the bottom to ensure that everyone has access.

We are organized in a decentralized working groups that carry out different tasks related and coordinated from the daily interactions and general assemblies.

We are working to ensure that self-organization in space and 
ensure continued participation open to possible activities, workshops 
and spaces that foster collective creativity and mutual support.

We are what we want to be. Are you joining us?

Gran Inauguració 16juny
The HUB Barcelona
Links: The HUB Barcelona | The HUB Barcelona on Facebook | @hubbcn (twitter) | First event: Facebook | Other post | HUB BCN online paper | HUB international | Location: Calle Galileu 133, Barcelona, NJ 08028, Spain
What is the Hub?
The HUB is about the power of innovation through collaboration.
We believe there is no shortage of good ideas to solve the issues of our time. But there is an acute lack of collaboration and support 
structures to help make them happen. The HUB was founded to address this need.
We set out to create spaces that combine the best of a trusted 
community, innovation lab, business incubator and the comforts of home.
Spaces with all the tools and trimmings needed to grow and 
develop innovative ventures for the world. But above all, spaces for 
meaningful encounters, exchange and inspiration, full of diverse people 
doing amazing things.
The idea has been spreading like wildfire and resulted in the 
emergence of a global movement. To date, there are 25+ open HUBs and 
many more in the making, from London to San Francisco, Johannesburg, 
Melbourne and Sao Paulo.
(click image to enlarge)

Latest Tweet: @hubbcn (The HUB Barcelona)
¡The HUB Barcelona #SocEnt #SocInn está disponible! http://bit.ly/JtlJZW  ▸ Historias del día por @hubtampere @hubbrussels @HUBMadrid

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