[energiadecreixent] Tahrir > Spain > Global: TAKE THE SQUARE, People's Assemblies, direct democracy, #spanishrevolution

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dll maig 23 14:33:06 CEST 2011


Beautiful days...

Peoples assemplies and camps (quiet similar in organisation to uk climate camps, 
minus the big day of action at end, here its open evolving action) all over 
spain now. new online toolkit to assist all taking action, occupying squares, 
making revolution now at TAKE THE SQUARE: http://takethesquare.net/

UPDATES  on indymedia ireland feature, as things progress - 

Tahrir comes to Spain
we encourage all to get up, organise, take space, connect the movements, let it 
all flow...

regards from barcelona - http://acampadabcn.wordpress.com/ watch us  live at 


From: Mark Barrett <marknbarrett a googlemail.com>
To: real-democracy-london a googlegroups.com; peoplesassemblies a googlegroups.com; 
democracyvillage a googlegroups.com; climateorg copenhagen 
<climate09-int a lists.riseup.net>
Cc: celia.watson a gmail.com
Sent: Mon, 23 May, 2011 13:46:24
Subject: [climate09-int] Lambeth People's Assembly

Lambeth People’s Assembly launched
A ground-breaking inaugural meeting of the Lambeth People’s Assembly on Saturday 
pledged to fight every cut being made by the Coalition government and become a 
permanent rallying point which would link up with others around the country. The 
200 or so present were inspired by the example of young people around the world, 
in particular the Real Democracy movement presently occupying squares in Madrid 
and all around Spain.
A wide range of individuals and people from local organisations, including 
disability campaigners, librarians, pensioners, transport and health workers 
gathered in Lambeth Town Hall, recently the scene of an occupation by local 
people in an effort to stop the council voting through a cuts package. They 
voted to “establish the Assembly as a focal point for the struggle, to reconvene 
on a regular basis and to link up with assemblies in other areas”.
Read more here: http://www.aworldtowin.net/frontline/LambethPeoplesAssembly.html
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