[energiadecreixent] #SpanishRevolution gone global, cork, ireland action day 2 today, please build, support, revolt

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
diu maig 22 10:43:17 CEST 2011

ye probably have heard the great news, in only a few days we are up to 640 
(thats right six hundred and fourty) + events global in support of the 
#SpanishRevolution and leading it to global revolution. here in barcelona you 
can follow the goings on from the free square of placa catalunya at 

anyway, things are chaotic, crazy, beautiful, unorganised, we encourage you to 
give your energy, support whatever, Do it. cork are leading the charge in 
ireland... we hope the rest will follow, from here, we hope ye move from demo to 
OCCUPATION - take the squares, parks, roads and set up live democratic spaces to 
demonstrate alt and create deeper the change we wish, and NEED...

solidaridad from  barcelona


The cork lads are on fire...
Their blog and fine poster and event post are up for their event today, number 2

BLOG - http://globalrevolutioncork.blogspot.com/
FB event today - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=211967275501008
On indymedia - http://www.indymedia.ie/article/99848

their email - cork spanishrevolution <spanishrevolutioncork a gmail.com>; 

Global Revolution Cork - blog now up... True Democracy Now SYSTEM ERROR, REBOOT 


from indymedia ireland yesterday:

Something Big is Happening in Spain! 
It Started on May 15th and Is Being Called The Spanish Revolution 2011 
In Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and 30 other Spanish Cities, the  People have been 
occupying the squares just like they did in Tahir  Square in Cairo and demanding 
that they have a real democracy. The  call-out is that this should spread Europe 

For details see our main feature today Tahrir comes to Spain 
Solidarity Events are taking place today (Sat) in Dublin, Cork and Galway: 
Protest: for a true democracy now! (Dublin) | TRUE DEMOCRACY NOW! 
#SpanishRevolution in Ireland (Cork) | True Democracy Now - Solidarity with the 
#SpanishRevolution (Galway) 

Tahrir comes to Spain
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