[energiadecreixent] Guardian Journalist Paul Lewis: Are police agent provocatuers being used to stoke the flames at Spanish protests?

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
div jun 17 22:14:26 CEST 2011

The devious games of the Catalan authorites to rubbish the name of the PEACEFUL 
INDIGNADOS ( http://tinyurl.com/5syt78g )

Guardian Journalist Paul Lewis has tweeted ( http://tinyurl.com/6f4splr ) the 
following a few hours ago:

Are police agent provocatuers being used to stoke the flames at Spanish 


Yesterday, news spread very quickly in internet world that all the  "violence" 
that happened at Parc Ciutadella looks like it was started by  the police 
themselves, disguised as "agent provocatuers". A video was  doing the rounds, 
then mysteriously it went "private", it seems police  pressure was used. BUT, 
the net being what it is, meant that "that vid" 
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nrR5m0xsVM ) is doing the rounds again and 
appearing everywhere, still slowly, but  its getting there, more and more and 
more. With it and its related  "evidence page" ( 
http://www.planetatortuga.com/noticias.item.3875/los-vi....html ) being now 
picked up by the Guardian journalist, perhaps the levels of  indignation might 
even rise further when the Catalan public see what  "their" government / media / 
police are upto; a dirty malicious and  thoroughly sly attempt to dirty the good 
name of the INDIGNADOS or the  M-15 movement, who ARE STILL A PEACEFUL MOVEMENT.

Oh and did I mention the "lamentable error" by TELEMADRID? No? Its ok  now 
because they have "apologised" for putting up ultra violent images  from riots 
in Greece when talking about the goings on in barcelona...  (see links below)

Bollox, this is more of the set up we are seeing here to sway catalan opinion 
away from supporting the INDIGNADOS.

A press statement was read out from the movement in regard to the  violence, 
which denounced the violence and declared that this is a  PEACEFUL MOVEMENT, at 
end is a rough translation of what was read out.

>J15-Catalan police used agent provocateurs in attempt to destroy M15 peaceful 
>revolutionary movement
>quienes son los violentos ? Subt castellano de xartigas (That video,  well 
>another copied version of it, stuck on some server somewhere)
>Telemadrids "lamentable error"
>Telemadrid y el 15M vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibir-3Y9ALQ 
>Telemadrid: "La violencia en Grecia fue similar a la de Barcelona": 
>Roda de Premsa d’AcampadaBCN del 17/06/2011
>VID: Comunicado Indignados hechos Parlament Catalunya 


First we want to apologize to all media in the call for change in this  press 
conference. Given the statements of Minister of Interior and the  Prime Minister 
which include angry accusations against Barcelona and the  movement itself and 
because we work with democratic methods and  assembly, in a move that is wide 
and varied, we been forced to postpone  the announcement.

As everyone knows, we reject violence. As for events that do not fit the  
consensus of the movement occurred on the 15th, we are not represented  by these 
shares and therefore we are not responsible for them. If you  believe that 
politicians do not represent the isolated acts of these  people may not 
represent the entire group. It would be justice for the  thousands of people 
mobilized or not they feel identified with common  values ​​that we have been 
demonstrating together.

The objective of the mobilization by 14 and 15, supported by the 22  assembly 
districts of Barcelona and Catalonia over a hundred villages,  was arrested by 
anti-social budget cuts for 2011 of the Government of  Catalonia and denounced 
the decree known as Omnibus in law.

We have been accused of attacking democracy, when the cuts are an attack  on the 
same show, with Parliament at the service of financial markets  and reducing 
social services for all citizens, when no party with  parliamentary 
representation, these measures included his electoral  program. So in order to 
have political legitimacy should be adopted by  referendum.

In addition, the activity of the Parliament undermines itself when it  seeks to 
endorse the discussion of the so-called Omnibus Act: an affront  to democratic 
values ​​posed by Decree approving the amendment of 610  points on more than 80 
previous laws and diverse the legitimacy of which  is doubtful because even 
within the parameters of the current  democracy.

We are convinced that all the debate generated around the events of June  15, 
are oversized in order to divert attention from what really affects  people. A 
social movement with broad support from the public is  suffering an apparent 
attempt to be stigmatized by a political strategy  that aims to legitimize new 
forms of police repression against a citizen  group that has shown to be 
strongly peaceful. So as not to criminalize  all the fans when there are 
incidents in a sporting event, or the entire  political class against 
corruption, the fact that in this case apply a  different criterion, shows the 
falsity of this argument.

Also surprising the unusual union of all the parties and the seriousness  of his 
accusations before the facts of 15j. The incidents,  theoretically caused by 
protesters, who did not cause any injuries among  the members and workers, in 
contrast with the zero criticism of the  police action that caused dozens of 

The stained shirts of a few politicians seem to weigh more than 40  injured, who 
joined the 147 injured, 27 May. What really scares  politicians is that they are 
opening up new methods of participation and  decision, that call into question 
the legitimacy of the current  democratic system. This explains the desperate 
attempt of  criminalization of the movement, made desproporcionalitat deployment  
strategy and ineffective policing.

We can not take responsibility for violent behavior promoted by the  precarious 
economic and social injustice that leaves work and cover  thousands of families. 
Only liability for those who have joined the  peace movement, creative, 
constructive and inclusive.

As the economy deteriorates further and the welfare state theory, the  more 
anger is generated. We can not be responsible, now or in the future  of those 
who have joined the spirit inspired by the peaceful movement  for 15 million, 
just from the people is promoted in a way to channel  this discontent 
constructive and nonviolent. An example of this is that  despite the threatening 
statements by the President, the Assembly  decided not to hinder the departure 
of parliament in protest and moved  to St. James's Square by a peaceful sitting 
and singing the stake.

We are accused of violence when the state who paid for all institutions  use to 
advocating violence and announce that the use against us, even  when dealing 
with a peaceful movement. When you say they have a monopoly  of violence that we 
are saying is that they are the ones who decide  what is violence and what is 

That the evictions affect families already 270.00 and banks accumulate  empty 
flats is violence. It prolonged the working life and higher  incomes pay less is 
more violence. That the company distributed profits  and fired good employees is 
violence. Military spending is violence. The  cuts in health and education are 
violent. The list is endless.

The errors of the device conducted by the Ministry of Interior seem  
intentional, because they allowed Felip Puig get the desired picture  that tries 
to endorse the violent actions of 27m. Not understand why  they chose to use an 
entry with the highest concentration of  demonstrators to the parliament reached 
on foot, instead of the entrance  to the zoo with the police vans, and ended up 

Finally we call a rally today, Friday 17 to 4 pm in the City Judiciary  in 
protest and support to fellow detainees that justice will at 5 pm. It  also 
reported that yesterday the police of Parliament were detained and  identified 
people who are in solidarity with the detainees. Again the  police were not 
identified and refused to do so at the request of a  lawyer.

This is only the beginning, we know that there is much to do. We walk  and work 
for the construction of more just and habitable worlds where  all fit.

Our next action is the mobilization of June 19, an international event  that has 
been supported by hundreds of cities around the world and in  the case of 
Barcelona have the support of more than 100 villages and 22  districts of the 
city. On the 19th call on society to take to the  streets to show our outrage at 
the many injustices and repeated  violation of our most basic rights to which we 
are submitting the  current political and economic system. The street is ours, 
not pay their  crisis.

Who are the Violent ones (from "that vid): "protesters" standing in doorways, 
later get police escort away from the heat

Guardian Journo: Are police agent provocatuers being used to stoke the flames at 
Spanish protests?
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