Sense assumpte

dim nov 30 10:17:32 CET 2010

isual=0Asection which closes the loop of the entire greenway network are th=
e=0Achanges to the green heart of the city; her park. With the removal of=
=0Athe zoo to Forum, the park expands over her old barriers, the dirty old=
=0Arail and car arteries, and connects to the =E2=80=9Csea side=E2=80=9D wi=
th a=0Aspectacular new colourful tree filled bridge. From the Sagrera gatew=
ay=0Aalong the greenway to the sea; Barcelona has a bold new Barcelona has =
a=0Abold new eco-urbanism</p></div><br>=0A=0A=0A=0A      </body></html>

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