[energiadecreixent] Hoy, 20.00; Treball social i decreixement, Salon-Discussió en Princesa

federico demaria federicodemariaahotmail.com
Div Abr 3 12:26:04 CEST 2009

No estoy muy enterado y puede ser comente sin saber. De toda forma me parece importante lo que dice Enric sobre un Manifesto abierto a adesiones pidiendo su libertad y argumentando su acto como politico. El mismo tendria que usar un lenguaje gran-publique, mas moderado que anarchista y escrito junto con su abogado (ya en vision del proceso). Tiene que ser lo mas estrategico posible y esemplar, un manifesto que nos sirva para involucrar mas gente y reunirlos todos alrededor de algo (en España y fuera). El largo plazo es lo dificil. Gracias a los que se dedican a esto. 

Hoy, viernes 3 abril, hay una presentación sobre 'Treball social i Decreixement' en Princesa. 
Presenta Francois Gillet, professor de TS y activista del movimiento por el Decrecimiento en Belgica (Bruxelles)
Sigue discussion, todos invitados.

idiomas latinos, discussió multi-idioma (francois presenta en frances)
Princesa 56, entlo 1, 08003 Barcelona, tel 93 268 7 298
[Tocar ENT 1, donde hay manita, please...]
Llevar comida y bebidas para compartir, si teneis sed o hambre :-)

Nuestra intención es ir organizando unas presentaciones y discussiones sobre diferentes temas, 
todos invitados a presentar y participar. 

El 24 Abril, a las 20.00, discussion sobre "Consensus vs Negociation". Presenta Francois Schneider. 


    Discussion-Salon at Princesa on fridays Re: [eco-eco] Cybernetics‏
                    eco-eco-owneralists.riseup.net per conto di francoisadegrowth.net
        giovedì 2 aprile 2009 19.32.05
        eco-ecoalists.riseup.net; Giorgos (giorgoskallisagmail.com)

            Thank you Giorgos
Here is one extract about 'consensus spirit' from the web site you recommend:
"Coming to a decision is just the final step. If one respects the process, the
‘spirit of consensus’ as some like to say, the exact form of that final
step is
not all-important. (...) the ‘spirit of consensus’ [was] not just about
decision-making. It wasn’t even just about conduct during meetings. It
was more
an attempt—inspired by reflections on the structure and flow of meetings—to
begin to reimagine how people can live together, to begin—however slowly,
however painfully—to construct a genuinely democratic way of life..."
It makes us want to invite you all (the ecoecos) to another event at
Princesa 56 on friday the 24th April at 8pm, on "Consensus vs Negociation".
Comparing what is comparable: processes to get to decisions, which ARE NOT
"methods to choose". I wish to present "consensus", as I am working on a
special issue on the subject. Needless to say the goal is not to find out which
one is "bad" or "good". But for me negociation does not challenge the background
structures behind antagonism, while consensus is a process to really challenge
those structures, the worst being neither consensus or negociation processes
but apathy or say conflict avoidance...
I remind you that there is an discussion on "social work and degrowth" with
Francois Gillet from Belgium. Starting tomorrow Friday 3rd april at 8pm. Food
and drinks welcomed. Also sorry this is "no smoking"
inside, but a beautiful patio can solve the problem outside.
When you come BE SURE to press ENTLO 1, where there is a little hand, we have
problems with the neighbours because some seem to miss the right button for
some unknown reason
Princesa 56, entlo 1, 08003 Barcelona, tel 93 268 7 298
Cheers, looking forward

Curiosità, trucchi e consigli per il tuo Messenger!
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