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<br>No estoy muy enterado y puede ser comente sin saber. De toda forma me parece importante lo que dice Enric sobre un Manifesto abierto a adesiones pidiendo su libertad y argumentando su acto como politico. El mismo tendria que usar un lenguaje gran-publique, mas moderado que anarchista y escrito junto con su abogado (ya en vision del proceso). Tiene que ser lo mas estrategico posible y esemplar, un manifesto que nos sirva para involucrar mas gente y reunirlos todos alrededor de algo (en España y fuera). El largo plazo es lo dificil. Gracias a los que se dedican a esto. <br>_______________________________________________________________________________________<br><br>Hoy, viernes 3 abril, hay una presentación sobre 'Treball social i Decreixement' en Princesa. <br>Presenta Francois Gillet, professor de TS y activista del movimiento por el Decrecimiento en Belgica (Bruxelles)<br>Sigue discussion, todos invitados.<br><br>Idioma: <br>idiomas latinos, discussió multi-idioma (francois presenta en frances)<br>Dirección:<br>Princesa 56, entlo 1, 08003 Barcelona, tel 93 268 7 298
[Tocar ENT 1, donde hay manita, please...]<br>Llevar comida y bebidas para compartir, si teneis sed o hambre :-)<br><br>Nuestra intención es ir organizando unas presentaciones y discussiones sobre diferentes temas, <br>todos invitados a presentar y participar. <br><br>El 24 Abril, a las 20.00, discussion sobre "Consensus vs Negociation". Presenta Francois Schneider.
<br><br>abrazo, <br>f<br><br><br><div class="ReadMsgHeader ClearBoth">
<div class="ReadMsgSubject">Discussion-Salon at Princesa on fridays Re: [eco-eco] Cybernetics</div>
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<td class="ReadMsgHeaderCol1">Da:</td>
<img id="P___9655581" webimdisplaystyle="inline" style="display: none;">
<b>eco-eco-owner@lists.riseup.net</b> per conto di <b>francois@degrowth.net</b>
<td class="ReadMsgHeaderCol1">Inviato:</td>
<td>giovedì 2 aprile 2009 19.32.05</td>
<td class="ReadMsgHeaderCol1">A: </td>
<td>eco-eco@lists.riseup.net; Giorgos (giorgoskallis@gmail.com)</td>
<pre>Thank you Giorgos<br> <br>Here is one extract about 'consensus spirit' from the web site you recommend:<br><a href="http://new-patterns.wikispaces.com/Globalization+Protest+Movement" target="_blank">http://new-patterns.wikispaces.com/Globalization+Protest+Movement</a><br> <br>"Coming to a decision is just the final step. If one respects the process, the<br>‘spirit of consensus’ as some like to say, the exact form of that final<br>step is<br>not all-important. (...) the ‘spirit of consensus’ [was] not just about<br>decision-making. It wasn’t even just about conduct during meetings. It<br>was more<br>an attempt—inspired by reflections on the structure and flow of meetings—to<br>begin to reimagine how people can live together, to begin—however slowly,<br>however painfully—to construct a genuinely democratic way of life..."<br> <br>It makes us want to invite you all (the ecoecos) to another event at<br>Princesa 56 on friday the 24th April at 8pm, on "Consensus vs Negociation".<br>Comparing what is comparable: processes to get to decisions, which ARE NOT<br>"methods to choose". I wish to present "consensus", as I am working on a<br>special issue on the subject. Needless to say the goal is not to find out which<br>one is "bad" or "good". But for me negociation does not challenge the background<br>structures behind antagonism, while consensus is a process to really challenge<br>those structures, the worst being neither consensus or negociation processes<br>but apathy or say conflict avoidance...<br> <br>I remind you that there is an discussion on "social work and degrowth" with<br>Francois Gillet from Belgium. Starting tomorrow Friday 3rd april at 8pm. Food<br>and drinks welcomed. Also sorry this is "no smoking"<br>inside, but a beautiful patio can solve the problem outside.<br> <br>When you come BE SURE to press ENTLO 1, where there is a little hand, we have<br>problems with the neighbours because some seem to miss the right button for<br>some unknown reason<br> <br>Address<br>Princesa 56, entlo 1, 08003 Barcelona, tel 93 268 7 298<br> <br>Cheers, looking forward<br>Francois</pre><br><br /><hr />Doretta <a href='http://doretta82live.spaces.live.com/' target='_new'>Doretta ti “cerca”! Vieni a trovarla sul suo Spaces!</a></body>