[Deuda-QdQ] Propuesta - día de acción global contra BM / 1 de marzo

Tom Kucharz - Ecologistas en Acción agroecologia en ecologistasenaccion.org
Vie Ene 28 18:57:49 CET 2011


adjunto os mandamos una propuesta desde la campaña internacional "Banco 
Mundial fuera del clima" para organizar una concentración ante las 
oficinas del Banco Mundial el próximo *1 de marzo*, con el objetivo de 
denunciar sus inversiones en combustibles fósiles y la responsablidad 
del BM por el Cambio Climático, así como exigir de dejar de invertir 
dinero público en dichas energías.

En la última Cumbre del Clima en Cancún, se aprobó la creación de un 
“Fondo Verde para el Clima” y se decisió transferir al Banco Mundial 
(BM), la gestión del nuevo fondo -de 30.000 millones de US-$ hasta 2012 
y 100.000 millones de US-$ por año (a partir de 2020)-, algo totalmente 
inaceptable y peligroso porque sus estructuras son antidemocráticas y 
sus programas siguen financiando grandes proyectos de combustibles 
fósiles que provocan más cambio climático. En 2010 el Banco Mundial ha 
batido sus propios recórds en créditos para megaproyectos como centrales 
térmicas de carbón, oleo- y gaseoductos, refinerías y minería a cielo 
abierto, así como monocultivos agroindustriales como palma aceitera, 
entre otros.

Si os parece y para no saturar las listas, Iolanda del ODG 
(iolanda.fresnillo en odg.cat) y un servidor 
(agroecologia en ecologistasenaccion.org), podemos recoger las opiniones y 
propuestas de todas/os, y en una semana mandar ya una propuesta definitiva.

Un abrazo,

Iolanda y Tom

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: World Bank energy strategy review – Proposal for a global day 
of action on March 1st 2011
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 18:25:07 +0100
From: Elena Gerebizza <egerebizza en crbm.org>
Reply-To: wboutofclimate en googlegroups.com
To: EuroIFInet <euroifi-l en list.ecn.cz>, 
world-bank-energy-strategy en googlegroups.com, 
wboutofclimate en googlegroups.com

Dear all,

some groups have been discussing a coordinated action on March 1st
targeting World Bank offices in Europe and elsewhere in the world.
The objective is to influence the WB energy strategy discussion and to
expose the Bank outrageous increasing support to fossil fuels, while in
the mean time proposing itself for solutions to climate change and as
perfect manager of global climate finance.

All groups are invited to join in, be creative and get organised for
more actions globally!

Please let us know if you are planning to organise something or could
join in others in your country, so that we can coordinate at best.

Elena and Anne-Sophie


*World Bank energy strategy review – Proposal for a global day of action*

*What:        *Street action to demand to each member of the Board to
support the WB phasing out dirty fossil fuels projects, using notably
the example of the Medupi coal power plant (South Africa).

*Where:*     European capitals (Berlin, London, Paris, Rome, etc) and
other capitals in the world (Johannesburg, Washington, etc) in front of
each national WB office or Treasury

*When:*       Tuesday March 1st 2011 ^ ^

*What *(to adapt to national contexts): Proposal from Christian Aid to
have activists dressed up as a chain gang and chained together and with
lumps of coal with the strapline “free us from coal”. Display of
pictures of the protest against the Medupi coal power plant in South

*Why:*         Urge the member States of the WB to adopt a new energy
strategy that exclude support to massive fossil fuel projects. Attract
media attention on the WB role in financing fossil fuel in emerging

*How* : if your organization wants to join this WB day of action, please
contact  Anne-Sophie (Friends of the Earth France)
as.simpere en amisdelaterre.org
or Elena (CRBM) : _egerebizza en crbm.org <mailto:egerebizza en crbm.org>

The World Bank will release the first draft of its new Energy Strategy
around end of March/early April.
It’s time for a strong symbolic action to take place simultaneously all
over the world to demand the end of its support to major fossil fuel
projects. CRBM, Christian Aid, Friends of the Earth France, Groundwork
and Urgewald are already ready to use this opportunity to expose the
Bank fossil business.

The World Bank has ear-marked massive funds for investment in fossil
fuels, especially large coal projects. Between 2007 and 2009, the World
Bank increased funding for fossil fuels by 22%. Since 2007 the World
Bank Group has provided $6.6 billion for coal-based energy development.
This strategy locks developing countries into carbon intensive energy
models for decades instead of helping developing countries to make the
transition to sustainable energy production.

The latest illustration of the bank’s climate-damaging lending is the
Eskom project in South Africa, to which the World Bank approved a $3.75
billion loan in April. Most of the money will be used for the building
of the Medupi power plant, one of the largest and dirtiest coal fired
plants in the world. Over 165 civil society groups and some governments
were opposed to the World Bank loan to Eskom, because of its disastrous
environmental and climate impacts, and as it will mainly benefit large
foreign multinational corporations to the detriment of South Africans,
perpetuating a serious energy apartheid in the country.

The World Bank should use its energy strategy review to stop financing
fossil fuels and to redirect its investments to renewable energies and
energy efficiency. The World Bank must make the needs of local
communities and the global need to fight climate change paramount in its
lending policy. Each member State that has a voice within the Bank
should be asked to support these demands.


Elena Gerebizza
Development Finance Campaigner
Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale
via Tommaso da Celano 15
00179 Roma
tel. +39 06 7826855
fax +39 06 7858100

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