[Territori_energia_resistencia] {Detengamos Euro Vegas Alcorcón} Recordatorio: enviad correos a Las Vegas Sands

Topo, Sudaka sudakatopo a laquimera.org
dij jun 21 20:24:02 CEST 2012

Saludos cordiales,
Desde la Plataforma "Detengamos Eurovegas Alcorcón" nos ponemos en contacto con vosotros de nuevo para recordaros que hoy, jueves 21 de junio, cuando la Comunidad de Madrid ha anunciado el ofrecimiento de nuevos terrenos para Eurovegas, en Paracuellos y Torrejón, de cara a la próxima visita de miembros de Las Vegas Sands a Madrid (el martes 26 de junio), promovemos un envío masivo de e-mails a la promotora Las Vegas Sands (LVS) y nos gustaría contar con vuestra ayuda y la de vuestros amigos y contactos.
Tenemos un modelo de carta en inglés para facilitarnos el trabajo a todos y que podéis ver debajo de estas líneas. Aunque por supuesto, podéis realizar vuestras propias cartas de rechazo y mandarlas.
La idea es que todos mandemos los e-mails al mismo tiempo, para ello hemos decidido, hacer el envío hoy jueves 21 de junio en el intervalo de 17 a 19 horas. De todas formas, si no os es posible hacerlo este día y a estas horas, no os preocupéis, mandadla el e-mail cuando podáis, ya que lo importante es mostrar el rechazo de la sociedad a este proyecto.
Mandad vuestras cartas a través de este formulario de la web de LVS: 


Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra colaboración. Juntos podemos pararlo!!

Más información: 


Dear Sirs,
I am writing to express my profound rejection of the complex, popularly known as Eurovegas, that Las Vegas Sands is planning to develop in Spain. I would like to remind you that in a state based on the rule of law, as Spain is, laws may not be modified according to the preferences of individuals or
companies. Nor is it acceptable to deviate public funds or resources to
corporate initiatives that only seek private profit.
 I am opposed to this project for various reasons: - It demands modifications of labour laws, jeopardizing job security.
- It involves the free concession of public land and the construction of
infrastructure, to be paid for at public expense. Furthermore, it will cause environmental destruction and have a huge impact on the region's energy and water resources.
- It implies the creation of a tax haven, and demands changes to the Law of
Prevention of Money Laundering, with all the criminal connotations that
this would entail. Other demands include exemption from social security
obligations, exemption from state, regional and local taxes, a law guaranteeing the project fiscal advantages for 10 years, and changes in corporate tax law. This is unfair and negative for the national economy, and it is especially outrageous considering Spain's complicated situation
in regards to its public deficit. If this is a profitable investment for Las Vegas Sands, why demand all these tax exemptions?
  - The deal is being done behind closed doors, and citizens must rely on
patchy information in the press if we want to know what is happening. These opaque negotiations are a clear example of a lack of democracy, and of an
agreement between political and corporate elites from which only they benefit. If the project is beneficial for citizens, why have the reports on which it is based not been made public?
  - Public opinion is increasingly unfavourable towards the project, as this
online petitions shows:
As such, I strongly reject a project that will entrench a model of production which is well known in Spain, and which we no longer want due to the negative social impact it entails: increased inequality, unemployment, poverty; corruption; environmental degradation, etc. Spanish society has matured with the crisis, and will oppose this mega-project that is being
negotiated behind citizens' backs, and which only benefits those involved in the negotiations.



Salud, alegría y agroecología

“¿Cómo quieres que el estado solucione tus problemas si el problema es el estado?”



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