[Redcercana] [womeninblack] Vigils/Vigilias

Ana Valdés agora158 en gmail.com
Vie Sep 27 14:28:54 CEST 2013

Dear Paula, of course I am going to add Austria to the list, we must show
the vitality and the power of this movement, the only in it's kind
struggling active against wars, impunity and colonialism!

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 1:56 AM, Paula Abrams-Hourani <
paula.abrams.hourani en gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Ana, dear Lieve,
> I am not on the above list but received a copy.  If you are interested in
> the Austria group:
> We have irregular vigils on Saturdays, but at least once a month for two
> hours.
> They are held from 2.00-4.00 P.M. (14 - 16 hours) but during the summer we
> have held them somewhat later.  The address is constant:  Graben/Corner
> Kohlmarkt, Wien 1
> We have a website: www.fraueninschwarz.at
> We are not exclusively a women's group and some men like to stand with us.
>  We concentrate on information about the Israeli occupation of Palestinian
> land, the situation of Palestinian children, prisoners, ethnic cleansing,
> Gaza.   However, we held one recently on "No Military Intervention in
> Syria".  There is always a flyer which is distributed and is connected with
> the particular focus of the vigil we are holding.  In the case of attacks
> on Gaza we have held more frequent vigils, some of which have been at the
> Israeli Embassy.
> Our mailing address is:  fraueninschwarzwien en gmail.com
> I am usually the contact person and my personal address is:
> paula.abrams.hourani en gmail.com
> best wishes,
> Paula
> 2013/9/24 Ana Valdés <agora158 en gmail.com>
>> http://womeninblack1.wordpress.com/vigils/
>> Dear friends/queridas amigas, I am now working with the vigils for the
>> new website /estoy trabajando con las vigilias para la nueva pagina, I ask
>> you all to update the contact persons and delete or add vigils /les pido a
>> todas actualizar las vigilias y agregar o sacar a las que ya no se hacen.
>> Beso
>> Ana
>> --
>> http//congresomujeresdenegromontevideo.wordpress.com
>> http://www.twitter.com/caravia15860606060
>> http://www.scoop.it/t/art-and-activism/
>> http://www.scoop.it/t/food-history-and-trivia
>> http://www.scoop.it/t/urbanism-3-0
>> <http://www.scoop.it/t/postcolonial-mind/>
>> cell Sweden +4670-3213370
>> cell Uruguay +598-99470758
>> "When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with
>> your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always
>> long to return.
>> — Leonardo da Vinci
>> _______________________________________________
>> womeninblack mailing list
>> womeninblack en listas.nodo50.org
>> http://listas.nodo50.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/womeninblack
>> this is the international WiB mailing-out list, for the INTERACTIVE WiB
>> e-list, go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/interactiveWiB
> _______________________________________________
> womeninblack mailing list
> womeninblack en listas.nodo50.org
> http://listas.nodo50.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/womeninblack
> this is the international WiB mailing-out list, for the INTERACTIVE WiB
> e-list, go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/interactiveWiB



cell Sweden +4670-3213370
cell Uruguay +598-99470758

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always
long to return.
— Leonardo da Vinci
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