[Redcercana] Fwd: [nvda-against-nato] Women Say No to NATO

yolanda jb yolajb en educarueca.org
Mar Nov 9 12:44:20 CET 2010

---------------------------- Mensaje original ----------------------------
Asunto: Fwd: [nvda-against-nato] Women Say No to NATO
De:     "grazia tanta" <grazia.tanta en gmail.com>
Fecha:  Mar, 9 de Noviembre de 2010, 12:12 pm
Para:   yolajb en educarueca.org
        "Carmen Calzado" <ccalzad en gmail.com>
        "paloma (cgt)" <sp-a.social en cgt.es>

Buenos dias compañeras

Creo que esta noticia será interesante

un abrazo

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cynthia Cockburn <c.cockburn en ktown.demon.co.uk>
Date: 2010/11/9
Subject: [nvda-against-nato] Women Say No to NATO
To: andreas en wri-irg.org, nvda-against-nato en lists.wri-irg.org
Cc: agyorgy en wloe.org, anna.gyorgy en arcor.de, gelis en gmx.net

Dear Andreas and friends,

We would like to let the 'nvda-against-NATO' list know that, rather than
going to Lisbon to demonstrate against the Summit directly, as we did in
Strasbourg 2009, some of us are planning "Women Say No to NATO" activities
in our local areas.

In London we are preparing an action which will involve a team of women
wearing T-shirts that together spell out the message SAY-NO-TO-NATO. We
shall be performing in central London streets throughout the day of Saturday
November 20, in what we intend to be a colourful and supportive addendum to
the demonstration against the Afghanistan war planned for that same day by
Stop the War Coalition. I attach the text of the leaflet (front and back on
A5) of which we hope to distribute 1000 during our action, and the logo we
have designed, which women everywhere are welcome to use. You can see a
briefing on the action, and our background paper "Making NATO visible to
women, making women's opposition visible to NATO" at the website
www.wloe.org. We will send you our press release and photos after the event,
and hope you will include them in your retrospective accounts of the day.

A similar action during the Summit weekend is planned by women in Sheffield,
UK. And we have heard that women of Italian Women in Black will be
demonstrating on November 20 as 'women against NATO' in the cities of
Torino, Ravenna, Padova, Alba, Udine, Fano, Bergamo, Bologna and Verona.
Also, Women in Black will be devoting its central London vigil on November
10 and 17 to the "Women Say No to NATO" theme, with a letter to the Prime
Minister urging policy proposals for Lisbon.

Wishing you great success with your activities before and during the Summit.
We will be with you in spirit!

Best wishes,

Discussion list on nonviolent direct action against military globalisation

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Conflictos en el aula, Conflictos en el mundo.
-Herramientas para su regulación:

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