[Redcercana] ¿hacemos algo juntas?

leonor taboada leonortaboada6 en gmail.com
Jue Ene 1 15:41:31 CET 2009

Queridas, 21 organizaciones de mujeres israelíes han firmado un texto que
estamos traduciendo (la "Coalition" entre ellas)... os lo enviaré traducido
mañana ...bs mil

Statement by Israeli Women's OrganizationsThe following text was signed by
21 Israeli women's organizations - not only peace organizations, but
organizations addressing domestic violence, economic empowerment, etc. I
hope the tide will soon turn in Israel against support for the war in Gaza.

The text:

We women's peace organizations from a broad spectrum of political views
demand an end to the bombing and other tools of death, and call for the
immediate start of deliberations to talk peace and not make war. The dance
of death and destruction must come to an end. We demand that war no longer
be an option, nor violence a strategy, nor killing an alternative. The
society we want is one in which every individual can lead a life of security
– personal, economic, and social.

It is clear that the highest price is paid by women and others from the
periphery – geographic, economic, ethnic, social, and cultural – who now, as
always, are excluded from the public eye and dominant discourse.

The time for women is now. We demand that words and actions be conducted in
another language.

Ahoti: For Women in Israel
Anuar: Jewish and Arab Women Leadership
Artemis: Economic Society for Women
Bat Shalom
Coalition of Women for Peace
Economic Empowerment for Women
Feminancy: College for Women's Empowerment
Feminist Activist Group – Jerusalem
Feminist Activist Group – Tel Aviv
International Women's Commission: Israeli Branch
Isha L'Isha: Haifa Feminist Center
Itach: Women Lawyers for Social Justice
Kol Ha-Isha: Jerusalem Women's Center
Mahut Center: Information, Training, and Employment for Women
Shin Movement: Equal Representation for Women
Supportive Community: Women's Business Development Center
Tmura: The Israeli Antidiscrimination Legal Center
University against Harassment – Tel Aviv
Women and their Bodies
Women's Parliament
Women's Spirit: Financial Independence for Women Victims of Violence

---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: leonor taboada <leonortaboada6 en gmail.com>
Fecha: 29 de diciembre de 2008 15:54
Asunto: ¿hacemos algo juntas?
Para: "spascua3 en xtec.cat" <spascua3 en xtec.cat>, Red cercana mdn ok <
redcercanamdn en moviments.net>, concha martin sanchez <concham en nodo50.org>,
Concha Moreno <conchamoreno en ono.com>, Charo Altable <charoaltable en yahoo.es>,
maria palomares <mpalomares75 en hotmail.com>, Maria Huertas Zarco <
huertas.mar en gmail.com>, Mª Angeles Bleda <MARIANBLE en terra.es>, Sofia <
sofifiso en terra.es>, Yolanda Rouiller <roal en nodo50.org>

queridas amigas...os noto a faltar...no tengo el correo de todas, pero
espero que este mensaje llegue al norte, al sur, al este y al oeste para
proponeros que hagamos algo conjuntamente ...creo que podríamos ponernos de
acuerdo en un comunicado sobre la situación de Gaza para enviar a todos los
medios o en una concentración simultanea para darle más fuerza a nuestros
esfuerzos locales...Nosotras,las de Palma, además de plegarnos a cualquier
otra convocatoria de otras organizaciones durante estos días, pensamos
convocar una concentración para el sábado por la mañana ... os añoro y
necesito acercarme a vosotras en estos días, sabiendo que compartirmos
experiencias y sentimientos ...¿Algún grupo ha hecho algún comunicado?...bs
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