[Quideuaquitarragona] [Qui-deu-a-qui] Fwd: [illegitimate_debt] Statement on World Bank loans in response to Syrian refugee crisis
ricaggrs a hotmail.es
dll oct 14 07:56:40 CEST 2013
hola , sí signem.
petons i bon dia! , rica
Al 13/10/2013 15:41, En/na iolanda fresnillo @ifresnillo ha escrit:
> Hola
> Os parece que firmemos este texto contra los créditos del Banco
> Mundial a Líbano y Jordania para hacer frente a la crisis de
> refugiados Sirios?
> El texto explica la situación y hace dos demandas claras: parar los
> créditos y ofrecer el apoyo financiero necesario en forma de
> donaciones no condicionadas
> besos
> iolanda
> Iolanda Fresnillo
> ifresnillo a riseup.net <mailto:ifresnillo a riseup.net> | @ifresnillo
> <http://twitter.com/ifresnillo>
> iolandafresnillo.wordpress.com
> <http://iolandafresnillo.wordpress.com> |
> iolandafresnillofoto.wordpress.com
> <http://iolandafresnillofoto.wordpress.com>
> Inici del missatge reenviat:
>> *De: *"Tim Jones" <tim a jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk
>> <mailto:tim a jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk>>
>> *Tema: **[illegitimate_debt] Statement on World Bank loans in
>> response to Syrian refugee crisis*
>> *Data: *10 de octubre de 2013 12:28:08 GMT+02:00
>> *Per a: *"illegitimate_debt a lists.riseup.net
>> <mailto:illegitimate_debt a lists.riseup.net>"
>> <illegitimate_debt a lists.riseup.net
>> <mailto:illegitimate_debt a lists.riseup.net>>
>> *A/c: *"zahra.bazzi a annd.org <mailto:zahra.bazzi a annd.org>"
>> <zahra.bazzi a annd.org <mailto:zahra.bazzi a annd.org>>
>> *Respondre a: *"Tim Jones" <tim a jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk
>> <mailto:tim a jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk>>
>> Hi all,
>> *Statement on World Bank loans in response to Syrian refugee crisis*
>> Attached is a statement from groups in the Middle East about the
>> World Bank giving loans in response to the refugee crisis. So far,
>> loans have been given to Jordan, and loans are possible to Lebanon.
>> Both countries are already heavily indebted.
>> The statement calls for:
>> 1- A stop to all loans designed to assist countries in responding to
>> the Syrian refugee crisis
>> 2- Providing the countries in need of funding with the necessary
>> amount to respond to refugee crisis. This funding should exclusively
>> be unconditional grants
>> The statement is being used during the World Bank annual meetings.
>> Please sign-up to the statement as international supporters, either
>> by replying to me, or emailing Zahra Bazzi zahra.bazzi a annd.org
>> <mailto:zahra.bazzi a annd.org> at Arab NGO Network for Development.
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
>> --------------------------------
>> Tim Jones
>> Policy Officer
>> Jubilee Debt Campaign
>> The Grayston Centre
>> 28 Charles Square
>> London
>> N1 6HT
>> +44 (0)20 7324 4725
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