[Quideuaquitarragona] [Qui-deu-a-qui] Fwd: [Gnc] Fwd: [illegitimate_debt] Urgent request for support in light of violent repression of dam resisters in Ecuador

olivier c o.chantry a laposte.net
dic oct 19 10:16:43 CEST 2011

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: 	[Gnc] Fwd: [illegitimate_debt] Urgent request for support in 
light of violent repression of dam resisters in Ecuador
Fecha: 	Wed, 19 Oct 2011 09:39:43 +0200
De: 	Myriam Bourgy <myriam a cadtm.org>
Para: 	gnc 'GNC' <gnc a cadtm.org>

? Myriam Bourgy
CADTM (Comité pour l'Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde)
0032 (0) 498 35 36 66
skype : m.bourgy


-------- Message original --------
Sujet: 	[illegitimate_debt] Urgent request for support in light of 
violent repression of dam resisters in Ecuador
Date : 	Tue, 18 Oct 2011 17:56:56 -0300
De : 	Beverly Keene <beverly a jubileesouth.org>
Pour : 	jubileesouth a yahoogroups.com, illegitimate_debt a lists.riseup.net

Please see urgent request from our JS colleagues in Ecuador, to send 
messages to President Correa, Defense Minister Ponce, and Water 
Secretary Punina of Ecuador, urging them to bring an immediate end to 
the violent repression of community members resisting the construction 
of a new dam, and also to carry out the binding prior and informed 
consultation that is guaranteed by Ecuadoran constitution and 
international norms.  Sample message and indications for sending the 
message follow below - Thanks, b

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *oilwatch* <oilwatch a gmail.com <mailto:oilwatch a gmail.com>>
Date: 2011/10/18

*De:*alert-bounces a lists.oilwatch.org 
<mailto:alert-bounces a lists.oilwatch.org> 
[mailto:alert-bounces a lists.oilwatch.org 
<mailto:alert-bounces a lists.oilwatch.org>] *En nombre de *OILWATCH 


The dam will produce also energy, probably for a new refinery supply.

Please send the letter to the addresses below.

Thank you


Chone, 18^th October 2011





  Military repress people of Rio Grande, because of the construction of 
a dam.

This morning October 18, 2011, around 500 military and police 
special-forces entered the area of Rio Grande using gas and violent 
repression families installed since June, at the Resistance Camp to 
Defend Rio Grande.

The report issued by the police says that the operation took place 
peacefully, but the facts reported so far say otherwise, women and 
children were swept away and the two women were injured and two children 
are disappeared. The leader Alfredo Zambrano has several wounds on his 
head when he is detained.

The reason behind such actions is the government's interest to build a 
dam that would flood some 6 000 hectares of high quality farm in Rio 
Grande and cause the evacuation of over a thousand families, causing the 
destruction of one of the areas most fertile in the middle of a 
semi-arid, as is the province of Manabi.

The Committee on Rural Communities in the Rio Grande claim that they 
were never consulted as required by article 398 of the Constitution. 
They have also made numerous complaints to the prosecutor for abuse of 
authority, theft of documents in the Protection Action trial, for injury 
to a resident of Rio Grande caused during the construction company 
operations, for falsification of documents. Collective rights recognized 
in the Constitution and other international agreements Montubio belong 
to the people protect the inhabitants of the area.

This dam was commissioned by the National Secretariat for Water 
(SENAGUA) to China's Tiesijun and is part of Chone Multipurpose Project. 
Its purported benefit is to control floods periodically affect the city 
of Chone, however several studies have shown the ineffectiveness of this 
work. On the contrary, we have identified the existence of economic 
interests related to the shrimp industry and petrochemical behind this dam.

*We need your urgent help by sending letters of support to the 
inhabitants of Rio Grande to the following addresses:*


Rafael Correa

Presidente de la República del Ecuador



Javier Ponce

Ministro de Defensa del Ecuador


Cristóbal Punina

Secretario Nacional del Agua, SENAGUA

secretarionacional a senagua.gob.ec <mailto:secretarionacional a senagua.gob.ec>

/Suggested text:/

Dear Mr. President:

We have learned today that there has been a violent eviction of the 
settlers for the Resistance Camp Defender Rio Grande, who, in exercise 
of their collective rights recognized by the Constitution of Ecuador and 
international agreements, are exercising their right to decide on the 
development model they want to implement on their land.

Through this, we express our solidarity to the people of the area, and 
respectfully requests:

     1. To stop the repression in the area of Rio Grande

     2. For the release of Mr. Alfredo Zambrano, arrested today

     3. To investigate the fate of two missing children

     4. That starts a process of complete restoration to those affected, 
and to has a guarantee of non-repetition of the abuses committed

     5. That starts a process of consultation to those directly 
affected, and to respect their decision


Name, organization and country







Correo electrónico 

<http://www.agenciaecologista.info/component/content/section/1>- Agua 

Escrito por Benito Bonilla

Martes 18 de Octubre de 2011 11:03

Dos niños desaparecidos, dos mujeres gravemente heridas, una mujer al 
borde del aborto, el líder comunitario Alfredo Zambrano herido y 
detenido, es parte del saldo de la represión ocurrida esta madrugada en 
Río Grande cuando un pelotón de más de 500 policías y militares, 
comandados por el Coronel Cuéllar ingresó violentamente para desalojar a 
campesinos, niños y mujeres asentados en el Campamento de la Resistencia 
para Defender Río Grande.

La razón que se encuentra detrás de semejantes acciones es el interés 
del gobierno de construir una represa que inundará unas 6 mil hectáreas 
de alto valor agrícola en Río Grande y provocará el desalojo de más de 
mil familias.

Los campesinos y montubios de la zona han realizado numerosas 
invitaciones  al Presidente Correa para que visite la zona, de forma que 
constate que los campesinos y montubios no fueron consultados  para la 
construcción de esta represa  por la Secretaría Nacional del Agua y que 
sus derechos constitucionales han sido vulnerados sistemáticamente.

La Constitución de Montecristi reconoce en su artículo 56 al pueblo 
montubio como ?Parte del estado ecuatoriano único e indivisible?, y el 
Art 57 Num 4 les otorga el derecho a ?Conservar la propiedad 
imprescriptible de sus tierras comunitarias, que serán inalienables, 
inembargables e indivisibles (?)?, el mismo artículo en el numeral 7 
reconoce el derecho "La consulta previa, libre e informada, dentro de un 
plazo razonable, sobre planes o programas que se encuentren en sus 
tierras y que puedan afectarles ambiental o culturalmente (...)". 
Igualmente, el Art 59 reconoce los Derechos Colectivos "(...) de los 
pueblos montubios para garantizar su proceso de desarrollo humano 
integral, sustentable y sostenible, las políticas y estrategias para su 
progreso y sus formas de administración asociativa (...)".

Esta represa, cuya construcción  fue encargada por la Secretaría 
Nacional del Agua (SENAGUA) a la empresa China Tiesiju, es parte del 
Proyecto de Propósito Múltiple Chone.  El supuesto beneficio  de esta 
obra, que ha sido defendida en forma insistente por el presidente 
Correa, es el control de inundaciones que afectan periódicamente a la 
ciudad de Chone, sin embargo varios estudios han demostrado la 
ineficacia de esta obra, indicando que la principal causa de las 
inundaciones tiene que ver con una serie de compuertas construidas por 
empresarios camaroneros aguas abajo del río Chone que impiden el flujo 
natural del caudal del río en época invernal.

Al momento es imposible ingresar a la zona de Río Grande puesto que 
existe un piquete militar que impide el ingreso a la prensa y 
observadores de Derechos Humanos.


Elvis Suárez 094-680050

Presidente del Comité de Comunidades Campesinas de Río Grande

Beverly Keene
Diálogo 2000 - Argentina

Coordinadora Internacional
International Coordinator
Piedras 730 (1070) Bs. As. Argentina
Tel. +5411-43071867
beverly a jubileesouth.org <mailto:beverly a jubileesouth.org>
www.jubileesouth.org <http://www.jubileesouth.org>
www.jubileosuramericas.org <http://www.jubileosuramericas.org>
www.dialogo2000.blogspot.com <http://www.dialogo2000.blogspot.com>

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