[Quideuaquitarragona] Statement of fees 2009/2010

Gonzalo Velez eyesore469aroyal-lane.com
Dil Jun 28 18:03:00 CEST 2010

Please find attached a statement of fees as requested, this will be posted today. 
The accommodation is dealt with by another section and I have passed your request on to them today.

Kind regards.
Gonzalo Velez
-------------- següent part --------------
Un adjunt de no-text ha estat eliminat...
Nom: Fees_2009-2010.zip
Tipus: application/zip
volum: 20681 bytes
Desc: no disponible
Url : http://llistes.moviments.net/pipermail/quideuaquitarragona/attachments/20100628/6a2542cc/attachment.zip 

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