[Quideuaquitarragona] Record in debit of account

Peter Dawkins hydrocarbontsh811arfstech.com
Div Jul 9 12:10:36 CEST 2010

Good day, 
We have prepared a contract and added the paragraphs that you wanted to see in it. 
Our lawyers made alterations on the last page. If you agree with all the provisions we are ready to make the payment on Friday for the first consignment. 
We are enclosing the file with the prepared contract.
If necessary, we can send it by fax. 
Looking forward to your decision.
"Peter Dawkins
-------------- següent part --------------
Un adjunt de no-text ha estat eliminat...
Nom: Contract_05_07_2010.zip
Tipus: application/zip
volum: 24687 bytes
Desc: no disponible
Url : http://llistes.moviments.net/pipermail/quideuaquitarragona/attachments/20100709/67808177/attachment-0001.zip 

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