[Quideuaquitarragona] The United States National Medical Association

US NMA oui.-_-.ouioagracedesignassociates.com
Dme Ago 15 05:42:57 CEST 2007

The United States National Medical Association

Do you buy pharmaceuticals online? The US NMA was specifically established to protect the consumer. Our experts check every online shop for bogus medicines. The blacklist of unreliable or simply fraud shops is updated every week. We strongly recommend to visit our site before buying any medical products online. visit us

Our site http://www.us-nma.com/

The common ways of online cheating are:
- delivery of low quality or fraud products.
- an enormous delay (up to 2-3 months) in delivery of products.
- shops obtain all the credit cards numbers and other credit information and then simply send nothing.
- shops sell unlicensed products they know nothing or very little about.
- shops themselves don't have a license to sell the pharmaceuticals.

Please check our blacklist of unreliable and fraud shops before buying any medical products online!!! Protect your family and yourself. mismartilendmarks QEdaUFBEU0JBXEVTQUZUVl1dVXVcU1pYG1xdRV1YVFxHRxtfV0c=


With all due respect and care.

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