[Quideuaquitarragona] Resumen de Qui-deu-a-qui, Vol 17, Envío 4
Dij Ago 31 16:17:41 CEST 2006
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Asuntos del día:
1. Noruega y la deuda ilegitima (iolanda.fresnilloadebtwatch.org)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 14:42:11 +0200
From: iolanda.fresnilloadebtwatch.org
Subject: [Qui-deu-a-qui] Noruega y la deuda ilegitima
To: deuda-2005amoviments.net, qui-deu-a-quiamoviments.net
Cc: deudaamanosunidas.org, Carmen Gonzalez
Message-ID: <20060831144211.fpv43obxl5wkwk84awww.debtwatch.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hola a todos y todas,
Como algunas ya sabréis en Noruega el gobierno va bastante más
avanzado que el nuestro en cuanto a reconocimiento de Deuda Ilegítima.
Además de reconocer la existencia de deudas ilegítimas (literalmente)
en un documento oficial sobre la deuda, hace casi un año anunció que
financiaria un estudio, a realizar por el Banco Mundial y la ONU,
sobre la ilegitimidad de la deuda, y ahora ha prometido cancelar todas
las deudas de las operaciones de exportación de barcos de los 70 con
financiación de la agencia de créditos a la exportación noruega
(operación que básicamente sirvió para reflotar la industria naviera
noruega). La razón de fondo es que estos créditos no sirvieron al
desarrollo de los países del sur, sinó al propio desarrollo de
noruega, y serian por lo tanto deudas ilegítimas. El Gobierno noruego
es reticente a utilizar de momento el termino ilegitimidad, pero
claramente es lo que hay detrás.
Os envío la carta de un grupo de premios nobel de la paz al gobierno
noruego sobre éste tema y el último mensaje de los compañeros de
Noruega sobre el tema (ésto último en inglés), para ver si nos
inspiramos y lo utilizamos para presionar al gobierno español ...
Dear all
Just to confirm what Sony have just said. It looks like we will get a
good decision on the issue in Norway – but the decision itself is
dragging out – probably because of internal disagreement within the
During the last two days I've had two meetings with officials and
today with our Minister of Development Erik Solheim. These discussions
have not provided any new answers, but it has given us a likely
We expect Norway to cancel most or all of the debt originating from
the Shipping Export Credit Campaign. There may be trouble with
countries like Burma and Sudan, but we are encouraging them to cancel
the debt now – even if it is made available later. It is also likely
that the cancellation will take place through a variety of mechanisms,
swaps etc on a case by case basis. There will most likely be a wording
on why that does not include the word illegitimate, but that can be
interpreted widely. Why, because the government feels it is difficult
to define illegitimate debt and are afraid of counterclaims should
they decide to label the debt illegitimate.
The countries that could get its debt cancelled is Burma, Sudan,
Egypt, Ecuador, Sierra Leone, Peru and Jamaica. The total amount is
about 2,9 billion NOK.
The funds will most likely not be taken out of the aid-budget – even
if there is a certain amount of frustration by the fact that everyone
else is doing this – and that Norways aid consequently looks smaller
than it is compared with other countries.
SLUG, NCA and Changemaker will be campaigning on the issue until the
budget is put forward on the 6th of October and beyond if necessary.
Together we ask Norway to take responsibility and cancel the debt, say
sorry and declare the claims illegitimate.
For those of you who have send letters to Solheim – it is working and
making an impression – thanks! To those who still haven't sent letters
– please do so – there is still time to influence the decision and
give Solheim bargaining power vs the finance and trade ministry.
All the best
Kjetil, SLUG
Kjetil G. Abildsnes
Aksjon Slett U-landsgjelda (SLUG)
Postboks 8844 Youngstorget
0028 OSLO
Tlf: +47 92 64 29 60
kjetilaslettgjelda.no www.slettgjelda.no
------------ próxima parte ------------
Se ha borrado un mensaje que no está en formato texto plano...
Nombre : Nobels a Noruega firmada.pdf
Tipo : application/pdf
Tamaño : 453348 bytes
Descripción: no disponible
Url : http://www.moviments.net/pipermail/qui-deu-a-qui/attachments/20060831/193c06cf/NobelsaNoruegafirmada.pdf
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