[Qui-deu-a-qui] Fwd: [nottipattac] Fwd: URGENTE - TTIP-ACTION: CETA para exigir que sea tratado mixto

Griselda griselpinero en gmail.com
Mar Jul 5 02:08:51 CEST 2016

Urgent... És necessari signar!!!!  Per a difondre  Para difundir!!!!

-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: 	[nottipattac] Fwd: URGENTE - TTIP-ACTION: CETA para exigir que 
sea tratado mixto
Fecha: 	Mon, 4 Jul 2016 18:53:39 +0200
De: 	Cuca Hernández <cucahernandez en gmail.com>
Responder a: 	nottipattac en listas.attac.es
Para: 	nottipattac en listas.attac.es <nottipattac en listas.attac.es>, 
attacmardridnottip en googlegroups.com, mcae en listas.attac.es 
<mcae en listas.attac.es>, Junta Rectora de Attac Madrid 
<junta_rectora en listas.madrid.attac.es>, comunicacionyredes 
<comunicacionyredes en listas.attac.es>


Aqui va una recogida de firmas para exigir a la comisión que no ningunee 
a los parlamentos, tal como pretende hacer mañana 5 de julio en la 
reunión del Consejo Europeo.

En este enlace en Español: https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/ceta

Podemos moverlo en redes implicando al PSOE.

Saludos. Cuca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *DUPRET Paul-Emile* <paul-emile.dupret en europarl.europa.eu 
<mailto:paul-emile.dupret en europarl.europa.eu>>
Date: 2016-07-04 15:37 GMT+02:00
Subject: TTIP-ACTION: Urgent petition to oppose the proposal of 
Commission to exclude National Parliaments concerning CETA
To: DUPRET Paul-Emile <paul-emile.dupret en europarl.europa.eu 
<mailto:paul-emile.dupret en europarl.europa.eu>>

To spread widely :

Petition to oppose the intent of the Commission to exclude the 
consultation of National Parliaments and the necessity of an unanimous 
vote in Council regarding CETA.

The proposal of Juncker and Malström is to propose to the Commission to 
approve CETA tomorrow 5 July, and to send it to the Council as an 
agreement of exclusive EU competence, with no need of unanimity and no 
need of ratification by national Parliaments, despite the fact that 
there are several parts of CETA that are dealing with national 
competence of Member States. Therefor this agreement should be an 
agreement of mixed competence, requesting unanimous vote for its 
approval, and ratification by the European Parliament and all national 
parliaments of the Member States.

Here the link to the petition that is available in *_Spanish, English, 
French, Italian and German_*


Best regards,

Paul-Emile Dupret

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