[Qui-deu-a-qui] Tribunal contra las IFIs en La Haya para la semana de acciones
iolanda.fresnillo en debtwatch.org
iolanda.fresnillo en debtwatch.org
Vie Jun 29 14:27:40 CEST 2007
Hola a todas y todos
He recibido una información interesante que igual nos puede inspirar o
incluso ser útil. El dia 15 de octubre, coincidiendo con la semana de
acciones globales contra la deuda y en el marco de la Campaña Europea
contra el Banco Mundial, se está pensando en hacer un Tribunal popular
en La Haya contra el Banco Mundial, el FMI y las IFIs en general. Para
ello estan pensando en traer a gente del Sur. Estan implicadas
diferentes organizaciones como Eurodad, Friends of the Earth
International i A SEED (una ONG Holandesa)
Les he enviado un mail para preguntar hasta que punto podemos
"aprovechar" a la gente del Sur que vendrá a Europa para el Tribunal.
Ellas piden si hay organizaciones que puedan colaborar en la
invitación de gentes del Sur. Lo comento porque si en vuestros nodos
tenéis pensado invitar a alguien, que se tenga en cuenta el tema del
Tribunal para fechas y, si se puede, compartir gastos con otras
organizaciones europeas. Os envio los mails que se han enviado sobre
el tema hasta ahora.
Besos y hasta pronto
Dear all,
Most of you have read in the meeting and conference call notes that we
are planning a tribunal in The Hague on October 15 as a joint European
action and highlight of the World Bank Campaign.
During that ‘Global Week of Action’ there will be a lot of different
things going on and I will start to discuss with other organisers
whether we can cooperate with the invitation of Southern partners etc.
I would now like to get some feedback on which organisations will get
involved in the planning of the event and to what extend.
The tribunal is so far an idea that we have agreed on, it will include
testimonies of Southerners about the impact of economic
conditionalities and fossil fuel projects, probably some as videos but
mostly live. Everything else is still open to discussion and I am
happy to collect ideas!
But certainly I should have a rough idea of who will contribute to
make this event happen by the end of this week, so I am looking
forward to hearing from you.
All the best,
Juliane Westphal
Consultant, media and campaigns
European Network on Debt and Development
Dear all,
Thanks Juliane for kicking off this discussion. I'd like to let you all
know that A SEED Europe and Friends of the Earth International (both
based in The Netherlands) have been having some preliminary discussions
about the idea of a Tribunal/testimonial session in The Hague and we
would be very happy to help organise and locally host this event.
However, if we really want to aim for October, quite a bit of work needs
to be done. It would be very helpful to hear from you what suggestions
you have for the set-up of the Tribunal, as well as the audience and
The good news: October 15 would coincide with a European speakers tour
of indigenous leaders from Latin America with whom I am in touch. They
are very enthousiastic about participating in the Tribunal.
It would be great if we could hear who of you also have the time,
inspiration and energy to make this Tribunal happen!
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