[energiadecreixent] Difusió de la Degrowth-world mailing list.

Ester Iquemes ishtar888 a gmail.com
div set 4 13:20:18 CEST 2015

Difusió de la Degrowth-world mailing list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2015-09-03 22:05 GMT+02:00
Subject: degrowth-world mailing list

Hello all,

Hope you’re doing well and had a nice summer. You probably already know
that Christian and ourselves, as well as Ozan, a friend based in New
Zealand, have started moderating the degrowth-world mailing list, which has
been joined by almost a hundred people already. Any further word-spreading
would be much appreciated. The info about the list and how to subscribe to
it has been added below just in case.

We also also think it would be good for people from different theoretical
perspectives and research areas to be part of it – anarchist studies
scholars, for example, have already been informed, but there are still many
others left. So we’ll be spreading the info in various directions and hope
for some snow-balling effect to start happening.

Finally, we wanted to check who are the people organising the Budapest
conference, so that we could also let them know about the list?

All the best wishes,
Alexander & Katya


To subscribe the degrowth-world mailing list, one needs to e-mail
degrowth-world-subscribe a lists.riseup.net. Then any relevant e-mails can be
sent to degrowth-world a lists.riseup.net and they’ll be distributed to the
list’s subscribers.

*Info about the list*
This list is for everyone to share announcements and news related to
degrowth. The idea is that we use this space to be updated on degrowth
activities all over the world. Please join and send any relevant e-mails to
the list.

*A couple of words on degrowth *Degrowth calls for the abolition of
economic growth as a social and political objective and seeks new ways of
understanding prosperity. It is an umbrella term for various social
movements, ways of living and organising, and research.

Degrowth draws attention to ecological, economic and cultural limits
of growth-based
societies, via critiques of consumerism, development ideology and colonisation
of modes of being. Popular terms such as ‘green economy’, ‘sustainable
development’ or ‘ethical consumerism’, which are often presented as novel
and more desirable forms of capitalism, are seen as problematic. Degrowth
strives for an environmentally and socially just world, based on care,
conviviality, mutual aid, commons and cooperation.

Dr. Christian Kerschner

*Assistant Professor*
Department of Environmental Studies
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Tel.: 00420730939994

*Associate Researcher*,
WU, RUW, Vienna, Austria

Post-Doc Research Associate <http://www.eco2bcn.es/?q=node/71>,
UAB, ICTA, Barcelona, Spain

Member <http://www.degrowth.org/christian-kerschner-2>
Research & Degrowth
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