[energiadecreixent] Oferta de fein a: Job opening - Research Assistant

Sandra Güell guell.sandra a gmail.com
dic gen 14 18:15:35 CET 2015


Una oferta prou interessant...

      *Job opening - Research Assistant*

   Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) and Chair of Energy Sustainability
Opening of position for


Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) and the Chair of Energy
Sustainability are looking for a highly skilled and motivated individual to
work as our full time research assistant for a period of 15 month. The job
will entail close research collaboration with the Chair of Energy
Sustainability from the University of Barcelona, mainly on a new European

The research assistant will assist with data collection and treatment,
undertake literature reviews, and contribute to the statistical analysis.
Candidates must have excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal
communication skills (English and Spanish are required, Catalan is

Applicants are expected to hold a Masters in economics. Candidates must
have a strong quantitative background, are expected to have advanced skills
in Microsoft Excel, econometrics and Stata coding. Research experience or
consultancy work in energy/regulation related topics is a strong advantage.
Proven organizational and analytical skills are essential.

If interested, please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a letter of
recommendation, and a writing sample to *chairenergysustainability a ub.edu*
<chairenergysustainability a ub.edu>. This call close on January 25th 2015,
and the selected research assistant should start working on the project by
February 16th 2015.





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