[energiadecreixent] FW: Silvia Federici and Massimo De Angelis at ICTA-UAB (8 May 2014)

Salvador Pueyo Puntí spueyopunti a hotmail.com
dic abr 30 17:12:29 CEST 2014

Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 15:47:42 +0200
Subject: Fwd: Silvia Federici and Massimo De Angelis at ICTA-UAB (8 May 2014)
From: giorgoskallis a gmail.com
To: spueyopunti a hotmail.com


puedes difundir eso a gente en Barcelona que le puede interesar, dentro y fuera de academia?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Giorgos <giorgoskallis a gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 11:59 AM

Subject: Silvia Federici and Massimo De Angelis at ICTA-UAB (8 May 2014)

We have the pleasure to host at ICTA as part of the Entitle project (www.politicalecology.eu) two of the most distinguished radical thinkers of our times, Silvia Federici, author of "Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation", and Massimo De Angelis, author of "The beginning of history: value struggles and global capital", and editor of "The Commoner". 


They will give a seminar at ICTA, on the topic of "the political ecology of the commons", next Thursday the 8th of May, 12:30-2, at room Q3/0009, ETSE building.
Abstracts for the talk follow below.


Thursday, 8 May 2014
Campus UAB
Building: ETSE
Room: Seminari Q3/0009

About Silvia Federici
Silvia Federici is a writer, teacher and feminist activist. In the ’70s she was one of the founders of the international

campaign for the retribution of domestic labour. Her works, now translated in various languages, include: the Body
and Capitalist Accumulation (Autonomedia 2004), Revolution at Point Zero. Housework, Reproduction and feminist

Struggle (PM Press 2012). Federici is now Emeritus Professor at Hofstra University (Hempstead, New York).

As the main subjects of reproductive work, from the beginning of capitalism to the present, women have been the

main defenders of the commons against dispossession. In this context, Federici discusses how the struggles women
are making today against the privatization of our 'common goods' are transforming the process of reproduction and

creating communities of resistance to the expansion of capitalist relations.

About Massimo De Angelis
Massimo De Angelis is Professor of Political Economy and Development at the University of East London. He is the
founding editor of the web journal The Commoner, and, among other works, author of The Beginning of History: Global

capital and value struggles.
What alternatives are there to capital, its social relations and crises? What strategic horizons in front of social movements?
How to contrast the crises and their socially, economically and ecologically devastating effects? I propose a conceptualisation

of emancipatory and sustainable alternatives to capital at the historical point in which progressive policy
responses to the capital’s crisis seem to have reached an impasse. Plan C&D, or commons and democracy. This is

the name I give to the “sense-horizon” of a social force that is distinct from capital, that is taking shape some time
tentatively and in the interstices of society while other times more openly as a movement against the political

manifestation of capital. This latter instead, in today’s context seems to be stuck in different versions of plan A
(Neoliberalism) and unable to shift to a renewed orthodoxy of plan B (Keynesianism) and probably trying to co-opt

elements of Plan C&D, but most likely combining more strictly with elements of plan E&F (exclusion and fashism).

Giorgos Kallis,
ICREA Professor,
ICTA, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona,
ETSE,  QC/3103
08193 Bellatera, Barcelona, Spain
tel: (0034) 93-581 3749

www.twitter.com/g_kallis  www.greeklish.info/gr/giorgos-kallis 

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