[energiadecreixent] 12M15M May 2012 RELOAD - "Spanish Revolution"

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dij maig 10 03:14:24 CEST 2012

 from the FB page: 

12M15M May 2012 RELOAD

12M15M May 2012 RELOAD
(12 May - Take the squares : 15 May = 1
 year since start of the "Spanish Revolution" )

Be careful about town on Saturday, there could be disruptions, disturbances, possibly riots.

The INDIGNADOS make change contagious

One year on, the Spanish indignados are offering practical ways to survive the economic crisis


15th of May 2011 was the start of the Spanish Revolution, this Saturday
 will see hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, taking to 
the streets to again Take the Squares of Spain, to engage in a collective dialogue on how to get themselves 
out of the economic mess the country is in. It has the worst 
unemployment rate in the developed world at 24% and for the youth it is 
now up to 50%. 

Already there is news of 2000 riot police 
preparing to attempt to stop the square being taken again. This evening 
in Barcelona a squatted social centre, La Rimaia Universitat Lliure 
(free university) in Barcelona was evicted as it was thought to be a 
space for organisation for next Saturdays actions. 

Related articles: 

Moving on… After Spains 29M general strike, how and why peaceful action is the only way to WIN

Changing the world in the Network Age

Homage to Plaza Catalunya: REAL DEMOCRACY NOW IRELAND event

Sol se blinda ante la ‘indignación’

El 15M quiere acampar en la Puerta del Sol desde el día 12

FB pages:


Les Corts es mou el 12 M

12 de mayo ¡No somos mercancía en manos de políticos y banqueros!


Moving on… After Spains 29M general strike, how and why peaceful action is the only way to WIN

After what seems like a summer break, things have been heating up in Spain, 
especially in Barcelona. Last week there was a massive general strike in Spain, which was mostly peaceful. But here in Barcelona the city looked like a warzone with fires burning, banks smashed up, a starbucks 
smashed and burned out, police shooting a massive amount of rubber 
bullets for over 3 hours. One protester has lost an eye, another has a 
ruptured spleen, many injuries.

We have already seen huge violent 
protests in Greece, where already people have died and tragically a 77 
year old man took his own life in protest this morning outside Stgyma 
square. Are we going to see a far more violent confrontation between the radical, and mostly anarko, elements of activists in the city against a police force that is getting ever more violent and a head of command, 
Puig, hell bent on such a showdown… OR, can we expect a growth of a more non violent, but still direct action based form of resistence to the 
Increadibly harsh measures of austerity?

As a pacifist, I would argue that the 
peaceful road is the one that we should go down. Not soley for the 
spiritual reasons for pacifism, but more so that I believe that this 
strategy is the only one that can get us to that better place that we 
really feel we will get to, soon!

To outline the hows and whys of how a 
pacifist approach can and will change the world, I`ll direct you to a 
very excellent recent talk: Chris Hedges And Occupy Debate Black Block Violence

Previous vids about debate between use of violence or not, from COP15 in Copenhagen in 2009: (Copenhagen ’09) Reclaim Power, that talk, that “riot”, that action, the consequences
Spanish General Strike: Spain: General strike demonstrations on March 29th | General strike marks another step forward for indignados (Reflections on a Revolution ROAR) | Spanish general strike: Notes from the margins (Red Pepper) Videos: LaTele Punt Cat: A multitude of multitudes | Inicidents from the 29M strike in Barcelona (in Catalan)

Previous #Occupy post: Changing the world in the Network Age | The Cancer in Occupy (Chris Hedges)  VIDEOS: RT- Chris Hedges: ‘Black Bloc’ Could Kill OWS | Chris Hedges And Occupy Debate Black Block Violence | Occupy Wall Street – Amy Goodman and Chris Hedges  | Chris Hedges – “Nonviolent Citizen Resistance to War and Global Climate Change”|  Police mark OWS anniversary by beating up the protesters| Michael Moore: ‘This is just the beginning of OWS’ (RT) | Van Jones on Building Occupy-Like Mass Movements| Guardian articles: Spain’s general strike shows first signs of rebellion against austerity | Eurozone crisis live: Violence in Barcelona amid Spanish general strike – as it happened | Spain’s general strike is also a day of action for the 99% | Spanish Economic situation: Spain announces ‘extraordinary’ €27bn budget cuts  Facebook networks: 15M: Marcha Bruselas | European Revolution Occupy Wall Street – Occupy
 Mainstream Media – Spanish Revolution – Occupy Boston – Occupy Denver – Occupy Liverpool – Occupy the London Stock Exchange | Acampadabcn | Dandalion Salad: Chris Hedges: Occupy Debate on Black Block Violence + Kevin Zeese on the Status of the Occupy Movement | Chris Hedges: Black Bloc Could Kill OWS| 29M photos: 29M Vaga General :: Huelga General :: General Strike | Greece: Pensioner shoots himself at Greek Parliament, refuses to ‘search for food in garbage’ — RT | Greece shows us how to protest against a failed system | “Peoples of Europe, Rise Up” Greece’s message being taken up by France, and maybe beyond too?

Michael Moore: “The hardest part of the struggle is already done”

masked citizens seriously damaged several major banks and Starbucks
Catalan police, the Mossos, fired rubber bullets for 3 hours in the city centre 
A protester lies seriously injured after being shot in the eye with a rubber bullet by the mossos
Rosa de Foc – the rose of fire… Barcelona 29M

2011 International road to dignity
2012 road to dignity – Spanish actions (29Marzo = 29 March)

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