[energiadecreixent] MetroAg Free Online Course - ark urbanism ecology

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dll mar 12 17:21:26 CET 2012

Hi guys, there is a very exciting free course that im doing and wish to share it with you, perhaps more of you wish to do it too. it just started today. looks really great. Regards to all of you from Barcelona, Dunk metropolitan agriculture - free online 6 week course with uni of michigan, where detroit is, looking at changing cities from post industrial junkyards to wholesome communities. Starts today.	 www.metroagcourse.com Sustainable Innovations in agriculture in, around & for cities. Free online course- Register now!
Class begins on Monday, March 12. New materials will be posted every Monday for 6 weeks.  The MetroAg Course is designed to build awareness of metropolitan agriculture and to develop a network of collaborators on various topics relating to metropolitan agriculture. The course is offered jointly through Michigan State Univeristy and MetroAg Innoversity. A certificate of completion issued from Michigan State University will be given to participants who complete all of the assignments. A track offering university credit is being explored. The course has an international target audience including university students, those with connections to TransForum, food policy groups, and Innoversity members. This initial pilot version of the course will be offered beginning March 12, 2012 and will be free of charge. 
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