[energiadecreixent] Landscape Infrastructure, Urbanism beyond Engineering: Pierre Belanger - IAAC

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dim mar 6 17:46:06 CET 2012

Pierre Belanger - IAAC- MAA 2011-12 Winter Lecture Series  
Join us for the Open Lecture of Pierre Belanger  at the IAAC Auditorium /  Wednesday, 7th of March at 19.30h.  

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Lecture Title: Landscape Infrastructure, Urbanism beyond Engineering

Pierre Belanger is Landscape Architect and Associate Professor at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. His academic research and public work focus on the convergence of urbanism, landscape and ecology in the interrelated fields of planning, design and engineering. Bélanger is editor of the Landscape Infrastructures DVD (Canadian National Research Council, 2009) and his most recent publications include Regionalization (JOLA, 2010), Redefining Infrastructure (Ecological Urbanism, 2010), Landscape as Infrastructure (Landscape Journal, 2009). Bélanger is a government-appointed member of the Ontario Food Terminal Board and recipient of the Professional Prix de Rome awarded by the Canada Council for the Arts.     
Copyright © 2012 Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, All rights reserved.
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 Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
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Poble NouBarcelona, Spain 08005
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