[energiadecreixent] Bionic City: Melissa Sterry (E2HUB) - IAAC- MAA 2011-12 Spring Lecture Series

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dij abr 19 12:26:40 CEST 2012

Next IAAC lecture, April 23: 
Lecture Title: Building A Bionic City: The Place Where Science Fiction Becomes Fact

Melissa Sterry (E2HUB) - IAAC- MAA 2011-12 Spring Lecture Series  
Join us for the MAA Spring Lecture Series: First Spring lecture by Melissa Sterry  at the IAAC Auditorium /  Monday , 23rd of April at 19.30h.  

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Keep posted! More to be Announced Soon! 


Lecture Title: Building A Bionic City: The Place Where Science Fiction Becomes Fact

Melissa Sterry is a Design Scientist and Futurist to the built environment, utilities, manufacturing, design, publishing, media and communications industries. Published in over 50 international titles, including sustain’ magazine of which she is an editorial board member, Melissa is Director and Head of Technology at 360 media group Earth 2 Hub Ltd, which aims to re-establish a harmonious relationship between humanity and nature using art, science and digital creativity. A PhD researcher at the Advanced Virtual and Technological Architecture Research group at University of Greenwich, she is developing The Bionic City™: a sustainable smart city it transfers knowledge from Earth's ecosystems to a blueprint for a metropolis with resilience to extreme meteorological and geological events. A Visiting Fellow of Sustainable Innovation in Design & Media and Assembly member at University of Salford, Melissa is a Visiting Lecturer and Guest Critic at
 universities including the AA School of Architecture and a member of the scientific committee of the International Society of Bionic Engineering. A multi-award winning social entrepreneur she was listed in the Future 100 (2008), as one of the young business leaders changing the face of everyday business and improving commerce’s impact on the wider world, is an inductee of the Global Women Inventors and Innovators Network Hall of Fame and was the recipient of the Mensa Education and Research Foundation International Award for Benefit to Society 2010 for exceptional commitment to enhancing intelligence which benefits society.      
Copyright © 2012 Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, All rights reserved.
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 Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
C/ Pujades 102
Poble NouBarcelona, Spain 08005 
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