[energiadecreixent] #SpanishRevolution - Instaling Democracy 2.0

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dic maig 25 15:09:13 CEST 2011

   #SpanishRevolution - Instaling Democracy 2.0  
fuspey | 25 mayo, 2011 at 15:00 | Categorías: accion, articulo, Barcelona, 
Catalunya, English, Europa, Permacultura, resiliencia, solidaridad | URL: 

It has been truly incredible to witness the Democracia Real Ya! (Real Democracy 
Now!) movement explode all over Spain over the last week, and even more exciting 
to participate in these days where the whole idea of "Democracy" is being 
completely re-examined and re-constructed. In streets, squares and parks all 
over Spain people are asking themselves what sort of world do they want and how 
are they going to create it. In fact, the simple yet truly powerful gesture is 
being replicated right the way around this planet at present. Strange and 
amazing days to be alive, YA!
Must Reads: From Arab Spring to Spanish Summer: The Protests Continue | Notes 
from Barcelona’s Tahrir Square | Spain’s Tahrir Square | Spain's impossible 
realists (Guardian) | The #Spanish Revolution (El Pais) | Infos: Tahrir > Spain 
> World | Tahrir comes to Spain | #spanishrevolution goes global | LIVE STREAMS: 
Madrid 1 2 3 4 (11+ million views in few days) | Barcelona 1 2 | Valencia | 
Alacante | Tarrassa | Murcia | Valladolid | Sevilla
Let José Luis Sampedro explain where this Democracy 2.0 has come from and is 
going to: Spanish Revolution (Spanish with English Subs)
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