[energiadecreixent] FW: RV: [Lista RdS] no patents on seeds: Open letter to European Parliament

Salvador Pueyo Puntí spueyopunti a hotmail.com
div mar 11 16:46:27 CET 2011

    -------- Original Message --------
          Fwd: RV: [Lista RdS] no patents on seeds: Open letter to
            European Parliament
          Fri, 11 Mar 2011 11:13:11 +0100
          Silvia Oliva <canaquilla a gmail.com>



      Corpo da mensagem
      Hola amigos y compañeros.

      ¿Cómo andan?
      No suelo reenviar correos con peticiones, pero
        considero que la causa lo requiere...
      Porque es repugnante ver que la corrupción humana
        pueda superarse continuamente...
      Patentar estas formas de vida implica privatizarlas,
        constituyendo el culmen de la perversión humana... 


      ---------- Forwarded message ----------

        From: naira oliva <nairaoliva a terra.es>

        Date: 2011/3/10

        Subject: RV: [Lista RdS] no patents on seeds: Open letter to
        European Parliament

        To: Silvia Oliva <canaquilla a gmail.com>



            To the supporters of No Patents On Seeds!
            Please Support us: Open letter to European Parliament
              and European Commission
                friends, dear Sir or Madam, 
                European Patent Office in December 2010 published its
                decision on the patentability of processes for the
                conventional breeding of plants and animals -these
                processes are regarded as being not patentable. This is
                an important success for all those which have been
                active opposing patents on plants and animals in the
                last few years. 
                it is nevertheless likely that patents on plants and
                animals may still be granted in Europe. As recent research shows, patents on
                the products derived from conventional breeding of
                plants and animals, as well as on material used for
                breeding (such as seed or semen) or food stuff (such as
                vegetable or oil from sunflowers or milk from cows) will
                still be patented. 
                the prohibition on patents on plants and animal
                varieties (Art. 53 b of the European Patent Convention)
                can still easily be circumvented.
              Legal clarification through a change in European
                patent laws is urgently needed. To finally get a
                prohibition on patents on plants and animals, we are now
                starting an initiative with an open letter to members of
                the European Parliament and the European Commission.
                Please support us with your signature! 
                can find the letter ready for individuals and
                organisations to sign online. 
                also can download the letter from here.
                can find our recent report and our media release about European
                patents as applied and granted in 2010. 
                also have a closer look to our newly relaunched website
                – if you are looking for particular information on our
                previous page please use this link.
                you very much for your interest and your support! 
                  Then, for the team coordinating No Patents On Seeds!
            This email is sent from:
            no patents-on-seeds
                Frohschammerstr. 14

                  München, 80807

              To unsubscribe from this
                newsletter, follow this link: http://www.no-patents-on-seeds.org/index.php?q=civicrm/mailing/unsubscribe&reset=1&jid=42&qid=210&h=3ceedceb1bbbf6e5
            To never receive email from us, follow this link:



      Silvia Oliva

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