[energiadecreixent] 1/4 million INDIGNADOS took the streets of Barcelona 4 #spanishrevolution - calls 4 SPANISH GENERAL STRIKE + EUROPEAN REVOLUTION

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dim jun 21 10:45:21 CEST 2011

1/4 million INDIGNADOS took the streets of Barcelona 4 #spanishrevolution - 

Wow, what a day, we knew it was going to big, everyone was saying "see  you in 
the streets", but WOW, was it massive. The official figure is  "over 100,000 
people" in the streets of Barcelona alone under the banner  "The streets are 
ours". The mossos figure is significantly smaller and  the highest has said 
there were a quarter of a million people in the  streets yesterday. The demo met 
in Placa Catalunya at 5pm and soon took  to the streets, across to Urquinaona, 
down Via Laetina, across Passeig  Colom, into the park (where all that 
"violence" happened last week,  thanks to agent provoceteurs 
http://www.indymedia.ie/article/100013 ) and up to the front of the Parliament. 
Apparently there was a tense  moment there with the mossos, some of the younger 
folk seemed to get  tense, but the older ones told them not to worry, to relax 
and to  continue on as "We are going slowly, because we are going far". By 7pm  
there were still people leaving Placa Catalunya... massive massive  display of 
people in favour of change, fed up with the lies, fed up with  media 
manipulation, fed up with many things, but yesterday, in the  streets with such 
joy, such creativity, such connectedness, it felt  truly magic. The display was 
massive, it looks like indeed this movement  is growing, massivly. It feels like 
indeed we will succeed in changing  things. 

- #19J 1/4 million INDIGNADOS took the streets of Barcelona 4 #spanishrevolution 

- La  lucha sigue - The struggle continues http://t.co/Mi8F6oh 

- Catalan police used #agentprovocateurs in attempt 2 destroy #15M peaceful 
revolutionary movement http://t.co/sb0dd2r 

#europeanrevolution #worldrevolution #19J #spanishrevolution #acampadabcn 
#15M #acampadabcn #worldrevolution #barna #19J #spanishrevolution

The streets are ours - We will not pay for their crisis : 1/4 million INDIGNADOS 
take the streets of Barcelona

15M grows
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