[energiadecreixent] J15-Catalan police used agent provocateurs in attempt to destroy M15 peaceful revolutionary movement

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dij jun 16 10:25:56 CEST 2011

J15-Catalan police used agent provocateurs in attempt to destroy M15 peaceful 
revolutionary movement

The M15 peaceful revolutionary  movement in Spain has had profound success and 
has grown and still is  growing. It has inspired similar things to happen in 
further afield, as  Bob Dylan sang "The times they are a changin". 

>Yesterday we saw on the streets of Barcelona, the second sinsister move  by the 
>Catalan state / region, the first being the well publicised  extreme violent 
>action by the Mossos (Catalan police) on M27. What we  saw was the open use of 
>"agents provocateurs" in an attempt to split the  movement, discredit the 
>movement, give fuel to those (politicians,  media...) who wish to see this 
>#SpanishRevolution come to a quick end. 
>Well they have failed, their agents were caught on camera, watch the  video, all 
>is VERY VERY clear - Who are they real violent ones in this  situation. M15 
>movement remains peaceful. We are winning.
J15-Catalan police used agent provocateurs in attempt to destroy M15 peaceful 
revolutionary movement

Catalan police use agents provocateurs in attempt to trigger riot

Numerous pieces of evidence have surfaced that seem to  prove that the Mossos 
d'Esquadra, Catalonia's autonomous police force,  used agents provocateurs 
during yesterday's #15M movement protests  outside the Catalan parliament. The 
protestors had gathered in the parc  de la Ciutadella in Barcelona in an attempt 
to prevent MPs from  accessing the parliament, where they were scheduled to vote 
in a raft of  austerity measures and tax cuts.
>The most complete video on YouTube (below) shows 'protestors' attempting  to 
>stir things up, then donning balaclava-style masks, before being  escorted by 
>police to safety, after they had been identified as  troublemakers by other 
>protestors. Equipped with hands-free devices,  which might have been mobile 
>phones or radios, the infiltrators seemed  to be well organised.
>This is, of course, an old tactic. Since time immemorial, police agents  have 
>attempted to trigger violence in otherwise peaceful protest  movements in order 
>to weaken popular support. With support from  politicians and the media, it 
>seems like the police have achieved their  aim. The media, of course, is 
>basically not reporting this news. The  #15M movement insists that it does not 
>support violent protest...  indeed, in its Twitter feed yesterday, it pleaded 
>with protestors to  remain peaceful. A later protest at plaça Sant Jaume (seat 
>of the  Catalan government) proceeded entirely peacefully, which lends further  
>credence to the protestors' claims. Meanwhile, the budget was approved  without 
>amendments, with some Catalan MPs forced to fly into the  parliament with police 
>and fire-rescue helicopters.


Evidence that these "protestors" are Mossos


peaceful INDIGNADOS point out these guys as the one who acted violently against 
riot police

These "protestors" gather in a garageway and are encircled by protestors who 
chant "secret police" (for above)

This group is joined by their "fellow activists" who all seem to be talking into 
their hands (hidden mics)



"protesters" standing in doorways

"protesters" masked up while leaving under police protection

Placa Jaume is filled that evening and state terror actions are denounced

These  "protestors" get escorted away by armed up riot police, later there  
"protestors" made arrests and beat people with batons, image 1
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