[energiadecreixent] The Barcelona acampada has moved - now they are taking the parliament

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dic jun 15 01:12:38 CEST 2011

Take the square > take the parliament

1,500 are presently occupying the space outside the Catalan Parliament  in 
Barcelona at present. The gates were closed all day and inside are  loads and 
loads of riot cops. Today was called for a day of direct  action, to gather in 
the park and to camp out, a moving acampadaBCN, so  that tomorrow morning the 
politicians would not be able to enter the  parliament in Ciutadella park to 
vote on and pass the OMNIBUS bill,  which is more general cuts especially in 

So as it stands at present, it looks like 100's or 1000's will camp out.  The 
second call out is for people to arrive at 6.30 in the morning to  prepare to 
blockade the park from the outside, thereby not allowing the  politicians in. It 
is expected that the Mossos (catalan police, remember  them from M27 day of 
violence - http://www.indymedia.ie/article/99883) will arrive at about 7.30 to 
clear the way, but with perhaps a few thousand people, this could get messy. 

Tune in tmrw to the live stream, suppose from 6am irish time at 
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/acampadosbcn + follow all developments on the 
acampadaBCN aturemelparlament section 

1500 People blocking the gates to the Catalan Parliament in Barcelona

People have taken the streets, now they want to reclaim their lives...

live vid stream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tots-som-pla%C3%A7a-catalunya

latest vid: 14/15-06-2011 Parlament de Barcelona 

Police in Barcelona move to stop "peaceful" budget protest
Security forces attempt to clear area around regional assembly ahead of 
Wednesday's vote 


The permanent camps across Spain set up by the May 15  Movement may have been 
largely dismantled, but the campaign has taken on  a more fluid motion in 
Barcelona, where on Tuesday evening hundreds of  people tried to converge on the 
Catalan regional assembly with the aim  of derailing Wednesday's scheduled 
debate on the Generalitat's budget.
>Police shut down access to the area around the city's Ciutadella Park on  
>Tuesday evening, denying access to the protestors, who had convened  despite the 
>regional interior department ordering its closure on Monday.
>The organizers informed protestors through social network sites that at  least 
>14 marches originating in the city would meet up in the park. They  had planned 
>to spend the night outside the parliament building and at  7am on Wednesday 
>morning form a "human cordon" to prevent members from  entering, which is a 
>crime under article 494 of the Penal Code. "But  they have never applied this 
>article," one of the spokespeople for the  movement said, adding that the 
>protest would be "peaceful, massive and  determined." Camping in the city is 
>also prohibited under municipal  bylaws. "Not everything legal is fair and not 
>everything fair is legal,"  say the protestors.
>The leader of the Popular Party in Barcelona, Alberto Fernández Díaz,  said it 
>was time to dislodge the "remaining anti-system protestors from  Plaça Catalunya 
>and reclaim the square for the city." 
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