[energiadecreixent] 19June: People of the world, rise up!!!

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
diu jun 12 12:45:50 CEST 2011

(pass on below mail please, also, 
http://prezi.com/9o6i6yzsyas3/15m-creatives-english/ is something truly truly 
special, message from acampadaSOL... just view it, be inspired more... :)


It's time that the whole world takes the streets!
It's time to build a better world together! 

We  invite you to distribute this call through every channel you can think  of. 
One good idea is that you send this to all the social organizations  that you 
know of in your country. Look for social centres,citizens'  
collectives,neighbours associations... not only in your zone but the  entire 
country (internet is your friend) and make sure it arrives. Also  send it to 
lists of emails that have collectives. Together with this  call, make sure that 
this message arrives, ask that they keep spreading  the word to all the 
collectives they can, inside and outside of the  country

Also if you know a group of people who work in the creative or are  experts in 
audiovisual that could support the movement, make contact  with them! There's a 
list of emails that you can add your name to in  order to co-ordinate. Just send 
a mail to creatives a lists.takethesquare.net

Begin now! We're counting the days till 19J! Talk with your friends to help with 
the diffusion, we have to be fast

Spread the word! 


We are the outraged, the  anonymous, the voiceless. We were there, silent but 
alert, watching. Not  gazing upward at the powers that be, but looking from side 
to side for  the right time to unite with each other.

No political party, association or trade union represents us. Nor do  we want 
them to, because each and every one of us speaks for her or  himself. Together, 
we want to design and create a world where people and  nature come first, before 
economic interests. We want to design and  build the best possible world. 
Together we can and we will. Unafraid

The first sparks started to fly in the Arabic countries, where  thousands of 
people took over streets and squares, reminding their  governments where the 
real power lies. The Icelanders followed, taking  to the streets to speak their 
mind and decide their future. And it  wasn’t long before Spaniards occupied 
squares in neighborhoods, towns  and cities. Now the flame is swiftly spreading 
through France, Greece,  Portugal, Italy and Turkey, and the cries of peaceful 
demonstrators echo  across America and Asia, where new movements are cropping up  
everywhere. Only a global revolution can confront global problems. The  time has 
come for the woman and man in the street to take back their  public spaces to 
debate and build a new future together.

This is a call to the #Globalrevolution on 19 June. We’re calling on  people 
everywhere to peacefully occupy public squares and create spaces  for debate, 
assembly and reflection. It's our duty to reclaim the  public arena and together 
forge the kind of world we want to live in.

Take the square!!! Take the streets!!! #Globalrevolution

People of the World, rise up!!! 

(Importante) Envía todo tu material de interés para guardar testimonio de 
nuestra actividad a archivosol.gestion a gmail.com
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