[energiadecreixent] News from Transition Bristol

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
div jun 10 23:26:20 CEST 2011

 infos sobre barcelona en transicio aqui

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Kristin Sponsler <kristinsponsler a gmail.com>
To: fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
Sent: Fri, 10 June, 2011 23:00:54
Subject: News from Transition Bristol

Transition Bristol Newsletter
In This Issue  
Bristol's Good Living week 10-19 June  
Bristol Food Network presents Get Growing Open Day   
Bristol Freebus Launch date confirmed 11 June  
Green Talk 14 June  
Bristol Workplace Travel Network meeting 16 June   
Bristol Eco Show Performance 17 June   
Bristol Festival of Nature 18-19 June  
Future Museum at Easton Arts Trail 18-19 June  
Community energy project talk 29 June   
Transition Network Conference 8-11 July  
Bristol Food Hub community food survey  
Our Website!


   This issue focuses on all the exciting and innovative events going on with 
Bristol Good Living Week 10-19 June culminating in the Festival of Nature 18-19 
June, Bristol FreeBus launches 11 June, the Bristol Eco Show celebrates our 
local streamside walks 17 June, and yes, there's more...This month we also want 
to highlight our vibrant and growing local social enterprise and local trader 
sectors. With Cooperative Fortnight coming up at the end of June it seems the 
perfect time. 

Cooperative Fortnight is 25 June to 9 July
"The UK co-operative sector is part of a successful global movement that makes a 
difference to tens of millions of people around the world. There are more than 
800 million members of co-operatives worldwide, which between them employ over 
100 million people."
In this time of economic "downturn", financial sector meltdown, and government 
cuts to social services we need a new economic vision that is powered by the 
people for the people. Cooperative social enterprises have been around since at 
least March 14, 1761, when "...local weavers manhandled a sack of oatmeal into 
John Walker's whitewashed front room and began selling the contents at a 
discount, forming the Fenwick Weavers' Society..."
Read more here.

Please send your news and events for the July newsletter to 
kristinsponsler a gmail.com by 10 July. 

The next Transition Bristol Sofa Session is tbd at the 3rd Floor in Bush House. 
Keep an eye on the website for more information. 

 Bristol's Good Living Week 10-19 June 
Bristol's Good living Week - Raising the profile of Bristol's aspirations as a 
European Green Capital
In order to reach the highest levels of sustainability, Bristol needs to reach 
new audiences, attract new investment and develop new infrastructure and 
projects. Therefore, we will host a world-class international sustainability 
event each year. The first will take place in June 2011 with a title of "Bristol 
Good Living Week".
Covering 2 weekends and 6 working days, Bristol Good Living Week will be a 
compendium of linked events aiming to: 

1. Raise the profile of sustainability issues, particularly with those people 
who are currently less engaged in the debate, to inspire and motivate individual 
and organisational action, highlighting projects that have demonstrated resource 
2. Help Bristol learn from the best in Europe, with a focus on whole systems 
innovation and 'lean' thinking
3. Showcase Bristol's creative talent through virtual learning
Read more about the programme and how to book for the events here.  
 Bristol Food Network presents Get Growing Open Day 11 June, 10 to 5 pm, various 

On Saturday 11 June Bristol's growers are all set to open their garden gates and 
community plots for Bristol's first ever Get Growing Garden Trail (10am-5pm). 

There will be 24 city-wide food growing projects open to the public, ranging 
from the largest community garden, to the most modest of fruit tree planting 
scheme. Get on your bike to visit them and find out top tips for growing your 
own veg, how to get more involved locally, or just to enjoy the family fun and 
games. With activities happening at events across the city from chilli tasting, 
farm tours and grow your own workshops, to 'meet the animals' and seed-planting 
for the children, the event promises to be Bristol's biggest celebration yet of 
urban growing.
We're really pleased to report that since the last Bristol's Local Food Update, 
the Bristol Green Capital and Bristol Permaculture Association are supporting 
the Get Growing Garden Trail. 

Please promote the 11 June event, both with your networks locally and 
nationally. Nationally, why not suggest a visit to Bristol on that weekend? 
Locally, do all you can to publicise the Trail in your immediate community. It's 
a great opportunity to see so many great growing projects on one day. It's going 
to be a really exciting event so get on your bikes and see how many you can 
visit! Full details and a downloadable map will be available from mid-May at: 

For a list of the groups opening their gates please go here.
 Bristol Freebus Launch date confirmed 11 June! 
The first regular Freebus service will launch 11 June. Click here for the route 
and the timetable. We've not got over 700 members and raised over £7000, 
but  this is only the start! Please become a member or donate and the FreeBus 
could be coming to a stop near you!
FreeBus is a non-profit organisation funded by members and donations from the 
people of Bristol. Whilst passengers will be encouraged to donate or to become 
members, the service is entirely free at the point of use. FreeBus aims to 
provide a comprehensive, environmentally friendly and free public transport 
system for Bristol, so please get on board.
Read more at http://www.freebus.org.uk/.
 Green Talk 14 June, 6:30 pm, Arnolfini, ticketed event, booking required 
GreenTalk - Tuesday 14th June, 6.30pm, Arnolfini, Bristol.
GreenTalk is bringing together some of the UK's leading experts on climate 
change, energy and food security and the natural world.
In a series of short talks of 5 to 12 minutes they will be setting out the 
challenges, responses and solutions to these issues.
Talks will be filmed and made available on-line following the event.
You can find out more about the programme, speakers and talks here.

Book now for a challenging, lively, and stimulating evening. GreenTalk is a 
not-for-profit initiative run by Climate Works Ltd and Bristol's Green Capital 
Partnership as part of Good Living Week. GreenTalk is grateful for financial 
support received from The Design Programme, The Environmental iNet and The 
Creative Industries iNet. 

  Bristol Workplace Travel Network meeting 16 June 1:30 pm at Southmead 

On Thursday 16th June we shall be holding a meeting of the Bristol Workplace 
Travel Network (formerly known as the Green Commuter Club), starting at 1 for 
1.30 p.m. Our hosts for the event will be Southmead Hospital.
This is a membership based network which exists to encourage employees to 
commute sustainably, aiming to reduce transport congestion, encourage healthier 
forms of travel and facilitate best business travel practice, so reducing the 
environmental impact of transport, which accounts for roughly a quarter of all 
our carbon emissions. Membership of the BWTPN is free.
We meet approximately quarterly with newsletters in between, and encourage 
companies and organisations to develop workplace travel plans. Together with our 
other West of England partners we also run an annual Travel Plans Awards scheme. 
This year the closing date for entries is 30th June but we are also for the 
first time holding some Special Awards categories, such as Best Sustainable 
Travel Event, and Most Committed Travel Planning Individual. The closing date 
for applications in these categories is 31st July. Details of these awards is 
available on www.travelplus.org.uk.
If you think you might be interested in either the awards or attending our next 
meeting please contact anne.keen a bristol.gov.uk or telephone  0117 9036673. 

 Bristol Eco Show Performance 17 June 2011, 7:30 pm, St. Stephen's Church, £5, 
£4 concessions 

Nature's Custodian
Venue: St. Stephen's Church, off Corn St. BS1 1EQ
 £5, 4£ concessions
This performance celebrates stream-side walks in Bristol, with Malcom X Elders, 
Hibernia Players, contemporary music and poem, didgeridoo, Pigeon House Stream 
campaign, DMedia and Green Heart films, Gurt Lush Choir, Kilter Theatre
Inspired by indigenous people the world over, for a world future. 
Bookings   0117 955 9444  or bigbromo a yahoo.co.uk
Advance booking is recommended. Read more here.  
 Bristol Festival of Nature 18-19 June, 10 am to 5 pm, Ampitheatre, Millenium 
Square, free event  

The biggest event of its kind in the UK, this festival gives wildlife 
enthusiasts of all ages the opportunity to explore, enjoy and get close to the 
natural world - all free of charge. The Amphitheatre and At-Bristol's Millennium 
Square will be packed with organisations running fun and interactive activities 
and workshops. Over the weekend we will also be hosting an exciting programme of 
talks, screenings and scheduled events. The Festival's market is a bustling and 
colourful place, with produce and hot food from local and sustainable traders. 

For the first time Festival of Nature, in partnership with Forum for the Future 
and UK Aware will be hosting a Contemporary Sustainable Living Show. Straight 
from Olympia in London, this will be the first large scale show of its kind in 
the Southwest. This is a free event.

For more info go to:
This year Green Capital supported projects will have their own tent at the 
Festival. The following organisations will be present throughout the Festival 
Bristol Ecoshow 
Bristol Green Doors
FareShare South West
Transition Bristol
Tynings Field Community Group
Who Feeds Bristol?
Zero Carbon Bristol
 Future Museum at Easton Arts Trail 18-19 June, 11 am to 6 pm, 56 Anstey St., 
Easton, free event 

FUTUREMUSEUM will be putting in an appearance at this year's Easton Arts Trail 
on the 18th and 19th of June.

A selection of previously exhibited models and artefacts will be on show in the 
studio at 56 Anstey St, BS5 6DQ. This is a good opportunity for those of you who 
have not had a chance to see the collection, while returning visitors will have 
an opprtunity to purchase postcards, and perhaps to see our model-maker at work. 
Please tell your friends.
For more information about FUTUREMUSEUM, visit the blog: www.futuremuseum.org.uk
To see the artists and venues participating in the Easton Arts Trail, visit 

 Community energy project talk 29 June at Knowle West Media Centre 29 June, 6:30 
to 9 pm, free event, booking required  

The Centre for Sustainable Energy is setting up a series of workshops, events 
and training sessions to support community energy projects across Avon and 
To launch our programme we are pleased to co-host, with the Bristol Energy 
Network, an evening talk by Dan McCallum of Awel Aman Tawe on Wednesday 29th 
June 2011 at the Knowle West Media Centre, Bristol, BS4 1NL (doors open from 
Awel Aman Tawe is a community energy charity in South Wales which has core aims 
around energy generation; energy sustainability; and supporting local skills and 
employment. Dan will be talking about the project and will share his experiences 
to help other projects aiming to develop Community Energy Schemes. 

Refreshments and light food will be provided and we aim to finish at roughly 
9pm. To book a place contact Kirsty Mitchell on Kirsty.mitchell a cse.org.uk or 
0117 9314100, with your name, email address and phone number and your group or 
organisation. Please also let us know if you have any dietary/ access 
We look forward to receiving your booking.  
 Transition Network Conference 8-11 July, Hope University, Liverpool, £110, some 
concessions available 

We're delighted to announce that bookings are now open for the 2011 Transition 
Network Conference at Hope University in LIverpool. 
Please go to our booking page for tickets
We'll be in Liverpool in the North of England at Hope University for the two and 
a half days of the 8th - 11th July. The conference is a perfect opportunity to 
meet with other Transitioners taking this challenging journey, to delve deeper 
into the areas that interest you most, and to gain new skills that will serve 
you and your initiative well over the coming years.
Read more here and at the Transition Network Conference page. 
 Bristol Food Hub community food survey 
The Bristol Food Hub are working on a community food survey to gauge local 
values, motivations and attitudes to food, and how this transfers into shopping 

The survey is forming the "observe and interact" phase of the Eat the Change 
project, and hopefully will help design a project to increase the sustainability 
and resilience of Montpelier's food supply chains.
You can take the survey here: Click here to take survey  

 The Transition Bristol Team
Transition Bristol    
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Transition Bristol| c/o Phillip Corbin + Associates, Chartered Tax 
Advisors/Chartered Accountants| Trym Lodge, 1 Henbury Road| Westbury-on-Trym| 
Bristol| BS9 3HQ| United Kingdom 
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