[energiadecreixent] (Spanish Revolution > Europe) Spanish Indignants start long protest march to Brussels

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
dic jul 27 14:22:22 CEST 2011

Spanish Indignants start long protest march to Brussels

Long and winding road: 'Indignants' set out through Madrid's streets - 
destination Brussels

Spanish activists, known as "the Indignants", have set off from Madrid on a long 
march to Brussels. They are protesting against what they see as governments  
bowing to financial markets and ignoring the needs of their own people  in the 
economic crisis. As they head north, the protesters plan to hold meetings, 
collecting complaints and proposals as they go.Since the movement began in 
Madrid two months ago, similar groups have sprung up across Europe.The 
Indignants have added a new chant to their repertoire: "To Brussels!" they sing. 

It will have to keep their spirits up for fully 1,000 miles (more than 1,500k), 
as they march across three countries. Many of them have already spent weeks on 
the road, walking  across Spain to Madrid, says the BBC's Sarah Rainsford in the 
Spanish  capital. 

Protesters from across Spain gathered in Madrid last weekend. Next stop; 

Following a mass rally there, the Indignants are heading for the heart of 
Europe. They say they are marching because they are fed up with the  way the 
economic crisis is playing out in Europe, with spending cuts,  job losses, and 
privatisations, while those they blame for the recession  remain unaffected. 

The aim is to link up with fellow indignants from across Europe for a mass rally 
in October.

The Madrid protest began on 15 May and spread to other Spanish cities as word 
got around via Facebook and Twitter. Spain's unemployment rate is the highest in 
the EU, at 21.3%. For the under-25s, it has risen to 44.6%.
Continue reading the main story

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	* Protesters prepare for Madrid rally 24 JULY 2011, EUROPE 
	* Spain's borrowing costs increase  19 JULY 2011, BUSINESS 
	* 'Spanish revolution' camp defiant 21 MAY 2011, EUROPE 
	* In pictures: Spanish protests 21 MAY 2011, EUROPE 
	* Spain protests: 'We want change'  21 MAY 2011, EUROPE 
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