[energiadecreixent] 75 años desde el principio de la guerra y la revolucion en España - ¿hay cosas importante para aprendar de esta epocha?

Fun Peace fuspey a yahoo.co.uk
div jul 22 20:29:42 CEST 2011

Hola transicionistas y amig a s... 

Muy buena dias en la conferencia en Liverpool, resumen aqui: Full round up of 
materials from the 2011 Transition Network conference (con los temas 
relacionados a nuestra grupo y españa en general)

En el blog hay algunas nuevos articulos:
1 - Vids to remember 75 years ago: Spanish civil war + Revolution (esta semana 
es  75 años desde el principio de la guerra y la revolucion)
2 - La transición alimentaria y agrícola, Richard Heinberg & Michael Bomford, 
Primavera 2009 

3 - Transition and Big Cities (todovia en construcion)
4 - 2 Barcelona transicionistas participating in Transition Network conference @ 
Liverpool 2011 (nuestra introducion al mundo de transicion en inglaterra)

Vids to remember 75 years ago: Spanish civil war  + Revolution(en el articulo, 
puedeis ver todos los pelis, estan encrustado entro)

Viva la Quinta Brigada,
No Pasaran, the pledge that made them fight
Adelante was the cry around the hillside
Let us all remember them tonight.
They came to stand beside the Spanish people
To try and stem the rising fascist tide
Franco’s allies were the powerful and wealthy
Frank Ryan’s men came from the other side.
Christy Moore: Viva la Quinta Brigada (lyrics here)
The Spanish Civil War was a major conflict fought in Spain from 17 July 1936 to 
1 April 1939. The Second Republic existed and made massive changes for the 
people of spain, hopes soared,  true social justice seemed achieble, only to be 
quashed by a military  coup de etat which succeeded in ending the dreams of 
millions and  entering Spain into 38 years of repressive fascism under the 
control of  Franco.
The 19th of July marked the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Spanish 
Revolution.  For a brief time, capitalism and the State were replaced by 
solidarity,  mutual aid and respect for others. Workers and peasants, who were  
deeply influenced by anarchist ideas, ran society collectively and  gained 
control over their lives, industry and land. A central part of  the revolution 
was the struggle against a fascist attempt to take over  Spain. 

Photos : 1 | Spanish Civil WarArticles : NO PASARAN! 75th anniversary of the 
Spanish Civil War
| Free Women of Spain   Filmlists: classic films about the war | wikipedia 
Some excellent films:
Land And Freedom (Ken Loach)
1936. David an unemployed young man, leaves Liverpool to join the  fight against 
Fascism in the early days of the Spanish Civil War. He  joins an international 
section of the Republican Militia on the Aragon  front where he experiences the 
trials and anguish of the war.Wounded, he  convalesces in Barcelona and is 
caught in the conflict on the  Republican side between the Communist Party and 
his revolutionary  comrades in the militia.The resolution of this conflict and 
David’s  return to the front may seem tragic but his belief in the possibility 
of  revolutionary change is unshaken. His story is revealed only after his  
death, sixty years later, in letters discovered by his granddaughter.
An Anarchist’s Story – Ethel Macdonald (2007 – Mark Littlewood)
Drama-documentary  telling the story of Ethel MacDonald (1909-1960), an 
anarchist from  Motherwell, one of the countless people who made their 
individual  pilgrimage to Spain. In October 1936 Ethel left Glasgow with Jenny  
Patrick, another long-time anarchist activist who had been secretary of  the 
Glasgow Anarchists during the industrial troubles of 1916. Ethel  became a 
regular broadcaster on the English-language programmes of the  Barcelona CNT-FAI 
radio station. Their high profile and defence of the  social revolution led to 
both Ethel and Jenny being arrested and held  without trial by the Stalinist 
secret police. Her extraordinary story is  told in Chris Dolan’s ‘An Anarchist’s 
Story: The Life of Ethel  Macdonald’, a fascinating, personal account of the 
pivotal events of the  spring and summer of 1937.
Libertarias (Subtitled)
Libertarias:  In the midst of the Spanish Revolution and Spanish Civil War in  
Barcelona, militia women Pilar (Ana Belen) and Floren (Victoria Abril)  are 
joined by former prostitute Charo (Loles Leon) and former nun Maria  (Ariadna 
Gil). The film opens with scenes of working class militants  demolishing and 
burning religious icons, as they shout “down with  Capitalism!” and “long live 
the libertarian revolution!” While fully  immersed in the overall enthusiasm of 
revolutionary Spain, Pilar and  friends find themselves fighting against deep 
gender inequality which  complicates their efforts in the war against Francisco 
Franco’s  Nationalist/Fascist/Catholic forces. They encounter resistance even  
within their own “Free Women” (Mujeres Libres) organization as one woman  (that 
resembles Federica Montseny) tries to persuade them to stay and  work in defense 
factories, while men try to convince them to go work as  cooks, not front-line 
La lengua de las mariposas (Butterfly :1999)

Butterfly is the English language DVD release title for La lengua de las 
mariposas (Spanish The Tongue of the Butterflies), a 1999 Spanish film directed 
by José Luis Cuerda. The film centers on Moncho and his coming-of-age experience 
in Galicia in 1936. Moncho develops a close relationship with his teacher Don  
Gregorio who introduces the boy to different things in the world. While  the 
story centers on Moncho’s ordinary coming-of-age experiences,  tensions related 
to the looming Spanish Civil War periodically interrupt Moncho’s personal growth 
and daily life.
Living Utopia (The Anarchists and the Spanish Revolution: 1997)
 A  documentary about Anarchist communities established by the CNT/FAI, an  
Spanish revolutionary group. The Spanish Anarchist experiment is the  largest 
and most compelling example of Anarchism being implemented in  the real world.
>Workers opened communal cafes where  people could eat for free. Communities set 
>up food committees to arrange  food supply with the countryside — market 
>commerce and money was  replaced in many areas by distribution according to 
>need. Free schools,  universities and health programs were set up and 
>administrated by the  workers themselves. Rural areas were collectivised. This 
>experience, in  which about 8 million people participated, showed that anarchist  
>organisation of society could indeed work in practice. It truly was a  Living 
. . . De toda la vida – all our lives (English s/titles) (1986 – Mujeres LIbres)
A documentary chronicling the lives of women of the anarchist-feminist 
organization,  Mujeres Libres (Free Women), during the Spanish Revolution 
(1936–39).  Interviewees include former members discussing revolutionary Spain 
and  women’s involvement in the war, their relationship to the other  anarchist 
organizations at the time — and their lives since. Decades  later, Mujeres 
Libres remains a model for revolutionary feminist theory  and action. In 
Spanish, with English subtitles.
The Spanish Earth – Tierra Española (1937 – Joris Ivens)
The  Spanish Earth (1937) was an agitprop film (in English) aimed at  mobilising 
US support for the cause of the Spanish Republic. It was  written by John Dos 
Passos and Ernest Hemingway (with the involvement of  Hollywood and other 
prominent personalities including Fredric March,  Luise Rainer, Lillian Hellman, 
Dorothy Parker, and Archibald MacLeish in  the financing of its production 
company, “Contemporary Historians,  Inc.”). The film was directed by the Dutch 
pro-Soviet communist Joris  Ivens with a voice-over by Hemingway.
Load more film titles from wikipedia:
	* The Angel Wore Red
	* Arise, My Love
	* ¡Ay Carmela! (film)
	* Behold a Pale Horse (film)
	* Belle Époque (film)
	* Bicycles Are for the Summer
	* The Blind Sunflowers (film)
	* Butterfly (1999 film)
	* Caudillo (film)
	* La colmena (film)
	* Confidential Agent
	* The Devil’s Backbone
	* The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca
	* España 1936 (film) F
	* The Fallen Sparrow
	* Five Cartridges
	* For Whom the Bell Tolls (film)
	* Forever Activists
	* Franco, ese hombre
	* The Girl of Your Dreams
	* Head in the Clouds
	* Hemingway & Gellhorn
	* If They Tell You I Fell
	* Land and Freedom
	* The Last Circus
	* Libertarias
	* Long Vacations of 36
	* The Long Winter (1992 film)
	* Mi calle
	* Pan’s Labyrinth P cont.
	* La prima Angélica
	* Raza (film)
	* Retrato de Familia
	* The Siege of the Alcazar
	* Soldiers of Salamis
	* La sombra del iceberg
	* Spain in Flames
	* The Spanish Earth
	* The Spirit of the Beehive
	* Talk of Angels
	* There Be Dragons
	* A Time for Defiance
	* To an Unknown God
	* Vacas
	* La vaquilla 
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