[energiadecreixent] Proposta local per despr´´es de Copenhague (de part del Duncan de TT)

Andrea Calsamiglia acalsamigliaagmail.com
Dma Gen 26 01:49:06 CET 2010

HOla a tots/es,

l'altre dia a l'assemblea de l'entesa van qeudar alguns temes pendents... un
d'ells era una proposta del duncan de transition towns. ho envio per correu
simplement per traspassar la informaci´´o, si un cas a la propera assemblea
parlem de qu``e ens sembla tot plegat... la idea ´´es fer xarxa en torn el

per altra banda, la claudia (tamb´´e de transition towns-barcelona) va
comentar que els agradaria que trob´´essim algun(s) punt(s) de trobada i/o
connexi´´o entre transition i decreixement. si voleu, en parlem tamb´´e a la
propera assemblea



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fun Peace <fuspeyayahoo.co.uk>
Date: 2010/1/24
Subject: Despuis COP15, propuestas por movimientos sociales en BCN
To: Andrea Calsamiglia <acalsamigliaagmail.com>, Alfons Pérez <
alfonsplagmail.com>, Milena Ràfols Salvador <milenarsagmail.com>, Salva
Decreixement <spueyopuntiahotmail.com>, fuspeyayahoo.co.uk, tania
mik_collins <tanylanddayahoo.com>

Hola a tots de el clima no estaen venda
Merci andrea por enviando esta mail inicial.

Soy duncan, un irlandes trabajando con la red de Barcelona en
Yo estuve en Copanhagen con el climate caravan<http://www.climatecaravan.org/>,
60 personnas de global sur y algunas del norte luchanda contra "free trade"
y mucho mas... Los experienceas era tan fuertas en lados differentes, 1
compañero de tribu indigene de colombia recevir una amanaza de muerta
(intravista de radio en castellano
y otra compañera, otre vez indigene de colombia tiene 2 compañeros matando
en colombia. Ellos estan en resistencia pacifista contre mineria en sus

Bueno, Por nosotros, organisando con movimientos sociales con
CJA<http://www.climate-justice-action.org/>(accion por justicia
climatico) era muchos cosas muy positivos y fuertas,
especiallmente la assemblia populaire en el accion de RECLAIM POWER. Bueno
articulo sobre eso aqui: Victoria y fracaso en
audio en ingles)

Entonces, me gustaria organiser une evento en BCN por compartir nuestras
experiencias y adamas , por hablar sobre la tema de donde vamos ahora. En el
ultimo parte, tengo 2 cosas, 2 llamados que vienen de los movimientos

1 - Klimaforum Declaration / *Declaración de los pueblos en
*2 - Call for local assemblies / assemblias populaires global

1 - Klimaforum Declaration / *Declaración de los pueblos en

*No estoy seguro si gentes han oído de este documento muy interesante que se
creó durante KLIMAFORUM: *Declaración de los pueblos en
*Ha hecho una lista de demandas, que supongo que todos estamos de acuerdo:

"Pedimos a toda persona interesada, el movimiento social y cultural,
organización política o económica a unirse a nosotros en la construcción de
un movimiento mundial fuerte de los movimientos, que pueden presentar las
visiones de los pueblos y las demandas en todos los niveles de la sociedad.
Juntos, podemos hacer transición global a un futuro sostenible ".

Creo que sería muy útil para nosotros para hablar de su contenido, seguido
de nuestros grupos de interés locales y el resto de grupos y redes en
nuestros países y regiones a firmar la declaración, ya que ya hay más
de 500<http://www.klimaforum09.org/IMG/pdf/List_of_organisations_that_have_signed_the_Declaration-3.pdf>,
y el número es crecimiento.

Yo propongo la klimaforum declaracion al grupo de BCN en transicio, y al
primero miercoles de Febrero, tendraimos una repuesta. Tambien, Yo lo
proponer a decreixament, informalmante, con andrea.

mas info en ingles sobre este aqui: KLIMAFORUM DECLARATION – System Change –
Not Climate Change<http://climatecaravan.wordpress.com/2010/01/13/klimaforum-declaration/>

2 - Call for local assemblies / assemblias populaires global

Yo se que hay assemblias locales aqui, la cosa es par creer mas
co-ordinacion entre todos los grupos de planeta.

infos sobre el assemblia y mas aqui:
Cambiando el mundo despuis CPH | Changing the world after Copenhagen –
fotos, vids, audios, commenteries – VIVA

*Video *-
- The People’s Assembly – CJA demo at COP15 (ecolabs) –
- Copenhagen police tackle 4,000-strong climate protest (Guardian UK VIDEO)

- democracy now RECLAIM POWER feature:


*Audio *-

1 – THE PEOPLES ASSEMBLY (35 mins 32.2 MB)
(12 mins)(total 32 mins 29.74 MB)
3 – RECLAIM POWER SOUNDSCAPE, many of the chants, an interview with a member
of Via Campesina after the assembly and the closing talk in Copenhagen city
centre after 8 long, cold hours. (17.5 mins 16.02 MB)

1 – http://radio.indymedia.org/uploads/PEOPLES_ASSEMBLY.mp3

2 – http://radio.indymedia.org/uploads/POST_HORIZONTAL_PROCESS_FEEDBACK.mp3

3 – http://radio.indymedia.org/uploads/other_bits.mp3

Si quieres llamar me, mi numero es 671983897. Mi blog es aqui:



info al climate caravan in ingles abajo:


hi all

I hope all are well after those cold days in Copenhagen and energised by
what we achieved there. We know why we are fighting and what we are fighting
against, so its a big uphill battle, but its winnable, because, the only
outcome is, eventually, death for the humans...

Anyway, I write to you in regard to the KLIMAFORUM
While in CPH, although I had heard it talked about a little bit, but I was
not too aware that this document was being worked on and of the dreams that
those working on it had, this was due to the intensity of everyday
had committed to: working with imc.media and radio, climate caravan
peoples assembly preparation.

I only made it into the
KLIMAFORUM<http://www.klimaforum09..org/About-ClimateForum09>briefly 3
times, the last of which, after reclaim
power <http://indymedia.dk/articles/1894> and the peoples assembly, i picked
up a copy of it. It was not untill many days later, and gone from CPH, that
i got around to reading the document.. I am very impressed with the
document, it seems to be communicate the diversity of our movements and has
made very strong basic demands. It is also very hearthening to see the wide
range of groups from all
planet that have signed up to support its demands, that group is
presently over 500 and growing.

I would like to hear more about how this process grew and how it got to
where it is now, be that responses privately, or directions to existing blog
posts. I have already looked around a bit, but not found too much on this. I
think it is a very usefull document to build upon. As far as I remember,
there was no mention of it during the peoples
but I could be wrong? What is the view of the massive span of different
groups that we are part of, are we talking about also signing up to it, is
there problems with it, can they those failings be worked into a refined or
improved version? I will ask some of the groups I am connected with to think
about signing up to it.

I would also like to hear about connections that existed, exist now, or are
being worked on in the lead up to the World Peoples
Assembly<http://cmpcc.org/2010/01/06/convocatoria/#more-1>taking place
in Cochabamba, Bolivia 19 al 22 de Abril 2010 with the aim of
creating a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother
If there is any infos, in spanish or english, please send them on, or also
you can post them as comments to the recent blog post of the climate
KLIMAFORUM DECLARATION – System Change – Not Climate
A film exists of the presentation of the declaration at the UNFCC plenary
but, it seems, there are not much photos in circulation, again I have looked
but to no avail. Due to this, I have merged a few bits to create this

Ok, thanks in advance for any responses to this. I think we are at a very
very interesting time....


Regards from Barcelona


BLOG:          Its a funny old world<http://itsafunnyoldworld.wordpress..com/>
IMC-IE:        Indymedia Ireland
TWITTER:    fuspey <http://twitter.com/fuspey>
SKYPE:        fuspey <http://www.skype.com/intl/en-gb/welcomeback/>

These are the greatest of days to shape the future of this planet and the
lives of (y)our children. Get to
December for
COP15 <http://www.climatecamp.org.uk/actions/copenhagen-2009> and make a
difference <http://www.climate-justice-action.org/>, if you cant get there,
still make a difference wherever you are and support
those<http://www.beyondtalk.net/>that are there.

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