[energiadecreixent] TR: un Camp Action Climat contre le projet d'aéroport à Notre Dame des Landes

Francois Schneider francoisadegrowth.net
Dil Jul 27 17:08:23 CEST 2009

Je suppose que vous etes au courant de ce camp climat à Nantes, je vais
essayer d'y aller, ce serait un plaisir de vous y voir
et il y en a un autre en Belgique

Hi ha un campo-climat en francia en agosto, ve informacio
i en Belgica



En France

voici l'adresse du site où tu trouveras toutes les informations sur le camp
climat : http://acipa.free.fr/

Voici enfin l'appel à diffuser autour de vous, il est disponible en pdf
sur le site  : http://campclimat.org/appel.pdf


www.campclimat.org <http://www.campclimat.org>

NANTES (en gros 2-9 aout, mais on peut rester moins) grand rendez vous des
alternatives (beaucoup de monde) Alter tour, Alter village Attac, camp de
SILENCE, OC, etc  c’est du 3 au 9,août

en Belgique:

Climate Action Now!

August 3-9 2009, near Antwerp

On November 30th, 2009 the governments of the world will come to
Copenhagen for the fifteenth UN Climate Conference (COP-15). This will be
the biggest summit on climate change ever to have taken place. Yet,
previous meetings have produced nothing more than business as usual.

Once again, the people who created the problem are telling us they also
have the solutions: carbon trading, so-called "clean coal," more nuclear
power, agrofuels, even a "green new deal." But these are not real
solutions, they are neoliberal illusions. It is time to move beyond these

There are alternatives to the current course that is emphasising false
solutions and market-based approaches. If we put humanity before profit
and solidarity above competition, we can live amazing lives without
destroying our planet. We need to leave fossil fuels in the ground.
Instead, we must invest in community-controlled renewable energy. We must
stop over-production for over-consumption. All should have equal access to
the global commons through community control and sovereignty over energy,
forests, land and water. And of course we must acknowledge the historical
responsibility of the global elite and rich Global North for causing this
crisis. Equity between North and south is essential.

It is with all this in mind that environmental organisations, youth
groups, community organisations and individuals from throughout Belgium
and the Netherlands have come together to create this summer's Camp for
Climate Action. Taking inspiration from both the UK and German climate
camps, our camp will be a week-long event focusing on education, direct
action, carbon-neutral living and movement building. This is our way of
building a climate justice movement capable of tackling the root causes of
climate change.

We want the camp to be as inclusive as possible and we are reaching out to
all those who share our vision. The camp is a place for anyone who's fed
up with empty government rhetoric and corporate spin; for anyone who's
worried that the small steps they're taking aren't enough to match the
scale of the problem; for anyone who thinks present climate policies are
only increasing inequalities and injustices; and for anyone who's worried
about our future and wants to do something about it. It is not only a
place for experienced activists, but also for all those who are
interested, who want to learn more, and are looking for ways to become

Get involved! Come to the camp, or, even better, join in the preparation
process. We are all volunteers and all help is welcome. Whatever your
background, there is a role for you.

Get in touch: infoaclimateactioncamp.org
More info here later: http://climateactioncamp.org
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