[energiadecreixent] Documentario Hooked on growth http://www.growthbusters.com/

federico demaria federicodemariaahotmail.com
Dij Feb 19 00:01:52 CET 2009

llegano los gringos!
Preparan un documental en contra del crecimiento

unos canadienses, algo sobre decrecimiento dicen

From: federicodemariaahotmail.com
To: daveagrowthbusters.com
Subject: Some articles on Degrowth Movement - Europe
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 22:36:58 +0000

Dear Dave,
you might know there is a big Degrowth movement in Europe.  
Here you find some introductory articles on Degrowth, just in case are of your (or any other) interest.
suggest, among the others, 'Escaping from the economy: the politics of
degrowth' of Valerie Fournier (as a general introduction) and
'Conceptual roots of degrowth' by Fabrice Flipo (describing different
sources: culturalist, democratic, environmental, spiritual and
We run different activities, write me if interested
Find on memebers of the Network here: http://www.degrowth.net/wiki/doku.php 

Warm regards, 

Some articles on Degrowth:

- Declaration on Degrowth of the First International Degrowth Conference in Paris 18-19 April 2008: 
brief summary of main ideas

- Would the West actually be happier with less_Serge Latouche 2003:
article by the french economist on Le Monde Diplomatique 

- Valerie Fournier_Degrowth_International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: 
detailed scientific article on the european Degrowth mouvement by
Valerie Fournier published in the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Point of view of an outsider.

- Degrowth economics_Serge Latouche & How do we learn to want less_Serge Latouche:
two more articles of Le Monde Diplomatique


	New Scientist Special report 'The folly of growth': Why politicians dare not limit economic growth

- Proceedings of the First International Conference on Economic De-Growth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity
Download www.degrowth.net
A good introduction: "Conceptual roots of degrowth" by Fabrice Flipo, pp 24 - 28

- http://www.adbusters.org/category/tags/degrowth

- I have “robbed” 492,000 euros to whom most rob us in order to denounce them and build some alternatives for the society.
Enric Duran

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