[energiadecreixent] Rv: Seminars on Degrowth/Bem-Vivir Malmo + Belem

Laura Blanco Grau lblanco_grauayahoo.es
Div Set 12 00:09:51 CEST 2008

Ei, aquí teniu info sobre una embrionària "xarxa pel decreixement internacional". 
En el Forum  Social Europeu de Malmo (17-21 Setembre 2008) volen començar a construir un imaginari compartit de la crisi que estem afrontant.
Hi estan ficats en Mauro Bonauiti i en François Schneider, entre d'altres, que ens van visitar fa poc a Barcelona i amb qui ja em compartit diversos debats.

Fins aviat, Laura

----- Mensaje reenviado ----
De: Mauro Bonaiuti <pet7407 en iperbole.bologna.it>
Para: Moema Miranda <moema en ibase.br>; R. Bolini <bolini en arci.it>; federico demaria <federicodemaria en hotmail.com>; monica.vargas en odg.cat; lblanco_grau en yahoo.es; giorgio mosangini <gmosangini en yahoo.com>; Francois Schneider <francois en degrowth.net>; Niels Johan Juhl-Nielsen <njohan en juhl-nielsen.dk>
CC: Marco DERIU <marco.deriu en unipr.it>; antonio en diplo.org.br; ayamtai08 en gmail.com; bearoma en supereva.it; c.pongolini en forumsolidarieta.it; dalma en fastwebnet.it; faust969 en libero.it; mauro.bonaiuti en iperbole.bo.it
Enviado: jueves, 11 de septiembre, 2008 18:11:50
Asunto: Seminars on Degrowth/Bem-Vivir Malmo + Belem

Dear All,

During the Degrowth conference in Paris (April 18-20) some of us 
(Johan, Francois, Dalma and myself)  considered the possibility of  
organizing a workshop at  the European Social Forum and of developing an 
international network on "Degrowth". In  this regard we decided  to 
start sharing a few documents and setting up a web site.
Last June 
Dalma, Marco Deriu and I met in Florence (Terrafutura) a few friends, among them 
Moema Miranda of the International Committee of the World Social Forum and 
Roberto Espinoza  (Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones 
Indígenas)  who are involved  in the organization of the 
WSF in Belem  (January, 2009).  After a  lively and productive 
discussion  a common vision on what "degrowth" is about emerged, even 
though we realized that it might be better  to use different terms 
depending on the context  (such as "bem-vivir" for South America).  
Now we would like to use the seminar organized at the European Social Forum 
in Malmo (17-21 September 2008) as a first step on this process toward "a shared 
imaginary" of the crisis we are facing. The WSF in Belem (Jenuary, 
2009) could be a second one.
This first part of the process should be open as much as possible. We 
are all asked to offer our contribution, starting from sending this 
mail to people/network who are potentialy interested. 
I attach a few documents that may provide a first help towards this 
common vision. 
Mauro Bonaiuti
Rete italiana per la Decrescita

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