[energiadecreixent] [Fwd: Transition Handbook now online!]

enric enricamoviments.net
Div Oct 3 15:22:55 CEST 2008

Alliberat el transition handbook!

-------- Missatge original --------
Assumpte: 	[uniteddiversity] Transition Handbook now online!
Data: 	Fri, 3 Oct 2008 14:18:34 +0100
De: 	Josef Davies-Coates <josefauniteddiversity.com>
A: 	The Hub London Announce <hublondonannounceathe-hub.net>

Hello everyone,

Today is a happy day :)

In part due to my powers of persuasion* (and also because of Charles 
Leadbeater's excellent book We Think) the excellent Transition Handbook 
is now online in a wiki:

See Rob Hopkin's blog post today:

Or just check it out right now:

Big smiles,


* see my comment at the end here:

And then here:

Josef Davies-Coates
07974 88 88 95
Together We Have Everything
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