[energiadecreixent] Forum Social Mundia: Belem Bem Vivir De-growth‏

federico demaria federicodemariaahotmail.com
Dis Nov 15 11:52:41 CET 2008

Aqui info sobre el decrecimiento al forum social mundial de Belem.
Para si alquien se quiere apuntar, proponer ideas o estar enterado de los que pasa. 


    About WSF Belem Bem Vivir De-growth‏

                    Marco DERIU (marco.deriuaunipr.it)
        sabato 15 novembre 2008 10.32.58
marco.deriuaunipr.it; dalmaafastwebnet.it;
c.pongoliniaforumsolidarieta.it; faust969alibero.it;
chiara.marchettiaunimi.it; njohanajuhl-nielsen.dk;
francoisadegrowth.net; federicodemariaahotmail.com; bertilleahabicoop.fr
        alessio.surianagmail.com; bearomaasupereva.it; o.romanoascienzepolitiche.uniba.it; paolo.cacciari_49alibero.it; gtaminatin.it

            Dear Francois, and dear all friends
Very Well about Bertille Darragon. 
I don’t have any news about the bem-vivir/de-growth session at WSF in Belem.
I wrote twice to Moema Miranda and Miguel Palacin asking to update us with a 
first program of sessions. 
Last time Moema answered me (see below) that Roberto Espinoza will send a 
proposal in short time.
Maybe I can write directly to Roberto to underline that we are waiting for 
the first draft but remember that he lives in Amazonia and he doesn’t see 
the e-mail very often.
In any case, I think it is a good idea to understand who is intended to go 
to Belem and particularly who is interested in doing a intervention and 
about what.
I will be in Belem for sure with Chiara. And I would like to talk 
about “Resources conflicts and De-growth”.
If you want, you can also send me the e-mail addresses of people you want to 
involve and inform about the sessions, so that we can complete our mailing 
list and write to everybody.
Is it Ok?
All the best
Marco Deriu
Universita' degli Studi di Parma (http://www.unipr.it)
Data: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 18:25:50 -0200   
Da: "Moema Miranda" <moemaaibase.br>         
A: "Marco DERIU" <marco.deriuaunipr.it>, coordinadorandinacaoiagmail.com, 
CC: boliniaarci.it
Oggetto: Re: Fw: Per Moema e Miguel  Tutte le intestazioni  
Caro Marco, 
estivemos conversando com Roberto Espinoza e Quin Arrufat sobre os 
seminários ... Roberto deve nos enviar uma proposta em breve, tá? 
Data: Sun, 09 Nov 2008 19:47:18 +0100   
Da: Francois Schneider <francoisadegrowth.net>         
A: Mauro Bonaiuti <pet7407aiperbole.bologna.it>, mauro.bonaiutiaunibo.it, 
CC: marco.deriuaunipr.it, HABICOOP - Bertille Darragon <bertilleahabicoop.fr>
Oggetto: WSF  Tutte le intestazioni  
Dear Mauro 
Dear Marco 
I hope you are well, i contact you from Barcelona. Fede is nearby. 
I wanted to contact you about the WSF, and I might contact you very soon 
about projects on democracy. 
A friend of la décroissance in Lyon in going to the WSF, and would be 
willing to get very involved in the world discussions on degrowth/ bem 
vivir. She is one of the best degrowth and enthousiast speakers I think, 
involved at the grassroot level. 
She speaks more spanish than english, I put you in contact 

Tutta la posta in un solo posto… scarica Windows Live Mail!!!
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