[energiadecreixent] Manual per la transició

Edu eduamoviments.net
Dme Abr 16 19:14:53 CEST 2008


He enviat un correu a en Rob Hopkins, el fundador de la Transition 
Culture. Com alguns sabeu, s'ha publicat un manual anomenat "Transition 
Handbook" amb eines i propostes de tallers molt interessants. Amb la 
voluntat de veure si hi hauria la possibilitat de traduir el manual, o 
les eines, li he escrit un missatge que copio i enganxo!



Hi Rob,

My name is Eduard and I'm from Barcelona, Spain. My english is not 
perfect so I'll try to write as best as possible!

I bought the Transition Handbook a few weeks ago and I'm pretty surprise 
about how clear it is. I'm a member of the Decreixement's 
(www.decreixement.net) core group in Catalonia and I think that we need 
to improve more our habilities to communicate the transition to the 
people and promote more the movement around our country. Months ago we 
translated de Kinsale plan to the catalan  and spanish and now, there 
are some people riding in a bicycle march for the "decreixement" around 
towns and cities doing workshops and sharing your work :)

The handbook is full of tools that we can use for our future workshops 
and power the new transition groups but, obviously, is in english ;)

The more I read the handbook, more conscious I'm about to translate it 
to other languages to spread the seed. My question is if there is some 
possibility to do it, to find any editor, publisher..? In my opinion, 
although the book talks about your towns, this is not a problem.

Next july we'll do a meeting, with a lot of people who is participating 
now around Catalunya with the decreixement's bicycle march workshops and 
it is a good oportunity to improve new powerful ways. The handbook, or 
tools inside, could give us that opportunity.

On behalf of myself and the collective, I would like to offer you our 
sincere thanks! The party is beginning now!



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