[energiadecreixent] Marxa "The pace for the after-growth"

Eduard Folch eduard.folch en gmail.com
Sab Abr 28 13:04:28 CEST 2007


Per aquest estiu s'està organitzant una marxa pel decreixement que partirà
de França a Bèlgica

A march will take place this summer, between the 14th of July and the 8th of
August 2007, from Maubeuge (France) to Liège (Belgium), named : 'The pace
for the after-growth'.

During the journey, encounters will take place between the hosts, the
marchers and the citizens that will emerge from workshops, debates,
testimonies, music and festivities.

This project was born from the encounter of citizens of different age and
horizons, preoccupied by the question of economic "growth" and willing to
mobilize themselves in order to share this questioning with other people.

The growth of production and consumption in the highly industrialized
countries has already lead us way above a level that would allow a fair
distribution of access to natural resources, between all the citizens of the
world but also for the future generations.

La web: http://www.demarche.org/demarche/


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